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NIM : 042439091
MAKUL : Bahasa dan Terminolohi Hukum
TUGAS : 1 ( Satu )

Susunlah 5 kalimat dalam bahasa inggris menggunakan istilah-istilah sebagai berikut !

1. Presumption of Innocence;
2. Justice Collaborator;
3. Contempt of court;
4. Legal Standing;
5. Shifting burden of proof.

Jawaban :

1. Presumption of Innocence;

a. In the US there's a presumption of innocence.

b. Mr.Queen's wealth should not deprive him of the right to be released on bail,under
the presumption of innocence.
c. one laudable change in the new draft is its omission of what was Article 28 in the
January 2002 draft, which explicitly denied those detained under the bill a variety of
rights,such as a right to counsel and a presumption of innocence.
d. Duterte sought to justify the withdrawal by suggesting that the ICC’s move last month
to launch a preliminary examination into killings linked to the Philippine government’s
“war on drugs” had violated the principles of “due process and the presumption of
e. The use of drone strikes on terrorists in Pakistan and Afghanistan goes against
the presumption of innocence.

2. Justice Collaborator;

a. The KPK gave the juztice collaborator status to the defendant charles joner merang
related to bribery cases in the directorate general for the development of
transmigration areas.
b. the high court revoked Andi Agusus's status as a justice collaborator in the E-KTP
corruption case.
c. Are you collaborating with Stark, a known traitor and fugitive from justice?.
d. Remember when Pablo collaborated with communists during the Palace
of Justice siege?.
e. heir collaboration resulted in the 2015 founding of Jolie Pitt Dalton Helic, a partnership
dedicated to women's rights and international justice, among other causes.

3. Contempt of court;

a. Ms. Jackson, please control your client or I'll hold both of you in contempt of court.
b. The Attorney General has found your coworker in contempt of court for ignoring a
federal subpoena.
c. I request that the Defense be held in contempt of the court.
d. judge may warn against the crime of acting in contempt of court.
e. I'll charge you with contempt of court and you'll be rotting in jail.
4. Legal Standing;

a. an engaged Israelite woman had a different legal standing from that of an unengaged

woman; in some respects she was considered to be married.
b. Up until then, religion had only had a de facto existence but no legal standing or rights.
c. Japanese government defines them according to (foreign) citizenship and the ability to
provide proof of Japanese lineage up to the third generation - legally the fourth
generation has no legal standing in Japan that is any different from another
d. his issue was debated in the press constantly for two years, thus preparing the way for
religious organizations to have legal standing in Mexico.
e. Octavian's legal standing was also improved by being elected consul.

5. Shifting burden of proof;

a. otice what the prophet Alma did as he interacted with Korihor: he corrected the
false teachings, he testified of truth, he shifted the burden of proof to Korihor, and he
gave evidences of God’s existence .
b. In such a situation, you might shift the burden of proof back to the objector.
c. In a legal dispute, one party is initially presumed to be correct and gets the benefit of
the doubt, while the other side bears the shifting  burden of proof.
d. If she'd gone to trial, the shifting  burden of proof would be on the prosecution, yet her
own lawyer told her to take the deal.
e. In a legal dispute, one party is initially presumed to be correct and gets the benefit of
the doubt, while the other side bears the shifting  burden of proof

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