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Brasseur Damien Peip 1.

Idioms :








Sentence completion :

Edwin: I live in a one-bed place with a kind of open plan living room/kitchen

Rachel: I live in a detached house

Nuria: I would prefer to have a courtyard

Rosalind: it’s in a lovely street of terraced houses

Jemma: ideally looking out at the sea, but, yeah, just beautiful scenery

Themed discussion:

I live in a beige wall detached house, in the campaign of a small village in Provence, just
between Marseille and Avignon, next to Salon de Provence. My home has a garden, with a
little external swimming pool, a big enough garage, and a back garden with a quite big
vegetable garden surrounded by walls that we’ve built with my dad not very long ago (which
Brasseur Damien Peip 1.5

cost me an arm fracture). It is a 3 room house with a living room separated to the kitchen by a
little counter. In the living room there’s two big aquariums. My home is near a hill massif and
a big enough forest, and I think that is what I like the most in my home, as we can do a lot of
hikes with my friends and my dogs right next to my home, and still have a lot of paths that we
haven’t took yet. Also one of my neighbour is my auntie, which is also good as we can do
some family evening without going too far away, but in the other side it’s quite bad when we
have family problems. Living next to Salon de Provence includes being underneath the
training airspace for the patrol of France, which is amazing in one side as we can admire them
from home, but also kind of annoying when the Rafale is training at 9 AM or when we are
talking as it makes a huge noise. But above it, and the large amount of dogs barking all day
long, being in a village’s campaign, far away enough from the city, brings up a calm and
relaxing life at home. If I had a dream home, it would be just a simple house, without any
specific particularity except a big swimming pool and a big garden, for my two dogs, but it
would be away from the city, next to both the sea and a big hill or a mountain, as I like hiking
and diving, and also a river to go fishing, or it would be a chalet in a mountain, where we can
go skiing the winter and hiking the summer.

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