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Sherry Turkle's Ted talk "Connected but Alone"

1. What is the message?

2. What is the purpose of the message?

3. How is the message conveyed by the text and/or image?

4. Who is the target audience of the message?

5. What other ways of presenting the message are there?

Sherry Turkle's Ted talk "Connected but Alone" offers several insightful perspectives on
how technology affects people today, as well as previous and future generations. Some of her
concerns revolve on the idea that being connected to technology causes you to withdraw your
body and disconnect your mind from reality. She sees how, in today's world, people are always
connected in some manner and converse by phone and email. "We expect more from technology
and less from each other," Turkle says of one point. Because of technology, we have come to
rely on it and immerse ourselves in the life of being connected rather than having a genuine and
honest face-to-face communication.

The message was conveyed through speech and image flashing, and it persuades us that,
despite the fact that people are always linked, technology ends up disconnecting them from one
another. Her target audience appears to be persons interested in digital technology and education,
as well as the general public. In some ways, we can also raise awareness about this issue by
using our voices to educate others on how to minimize and balance technology usage.

To sum it up, technology may help us and makes more things easier for us in our daily
lives, but it can also damage ourselves and our connections with one another. If we continue
down this path, trusting technology over reality experiences will destroy our future.

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