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The UE Mission Statement

Imploring the aid of Divine Providence, the University of the East dedicates itself to the service of youth,
country and God, and declares adherence to academic freedom, progressive instruction, creative scholarship,
goodwill among nations and constructive educational leadership.

Inspired and sustained by a deep sense of dedication and a compelling yearning for relevance, the University of
the East hereby declares as its goal and addresses itself to the development of a just, progressive and humane

The UE Vision Statement

As a private non-sectarian institution of higher learning the University of the East commits itself to producing,
through relevant and affordable quality education, morally upright and competent leaders in various professions,
imbued with a strong sense of service to their fellowmen and their country.

 Institutional Objectives

In pursuance of its mission, the University of the East adopts the following objectives:

1. To educate its students to the end that they become conscious of the problems of society and committed to
their solution;

2. To program and/or orient its educational offerings to the end that the pressing needs of our modernizing
society, as well as the foreseeable demands of the 21 st century, shall be satisfactorily met;

3. To make itself a more decisive instrument for economic development, social progress, promotion of desirable
cultural values and strengthening of our people's sense of national identity; and

4. To provide an enduring environment of challenging scrutiny which will promote the advancement of
knowledge and human welfare through the cultivation of reason and through rational discourse and free inquiry.

 Guiding Principles

The institution declares the following to be its guiding principles:

1. Dedication forever to the service of youth, country, and God; training the youth to become good and
competent citizens; promoting a deep and abiding loyalty to the Motherland and her own way of life; and serving
the will of the Creator;

2. Active encouragement of academic freedom, the only road to the realm of wisdom and truth;

3. Constant attunement of curricula to the changing needs of individuals and nations in civilizations and cultures
ceaselessly being enriched by technology, science and scholarship;

4. Encouragement to the utmost of scholarship and research towards the broadening of knowledge to new
horizons and the augmenting of mankind's harvest of freedom, contentment and abundance;

5. Promotion, through the bonds of culture, of international amity and goodwill as basis for the enduring world
peace long dreamed of by men; and

6. Uttermost endeavor to attain and keep a position at the vanguard of higher education so that, as a beacon light
to all the Orient, it may attract to its campuses promising youth from many lands in search of wisdom and truth.
College of Business Administration


    The College of Business Administration commits itself to prepare the youth through relevant, responsive and
ethical curricular programs into morally upright, competent and well-rounded entrepeneurs, accountants nd
business managers.


    The College of Business Administration of the University of the East aims to be recognized as one of the top
five producers of highly competent graduates who possess the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that
prepare them to compete on an event keel in both the local and global workplace in the 21st century


    The College of Business Administration is committed to provide equal opportunities in quality business
education, consistent with the UE Mission and our national aspiration, and geared towards global


To continuously upgrade curricula in all levels of discipline to make them responsive to the needs of business
and industry;

1. To inculcate in every business student academic excellence, professional and social responsibility, as
well as entrepreneurship;
2. To ingrain in the minds and hearts of its faculty members their commitment to their profession and
their responsibility to keep abreast with the latest standards, trends and developments of their chosen
profession or field of expertise through continuing professional education;
3. To ensure that its faculty members conduct themselves with integrity and in an ethical manner as
prescribed by the Code of Ethics of their respective profession and guided by the core values articulated by the
4. To incalculate in its administrative staff the values of productivity, honesty and integrity in providing
service to the University, the faculty and most of all, the studentry;
5. To promote the culture of research among the faculty, the administrative staff, and the studentry; and
6. To extend valuable public service to nearby communities.

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