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World University of Bangladesh

(CIS 316)

Submitted by:
Tashfeen Ahmed
Roll # 1425
Batch: 46/A
(Department of English)
Successful Web portals have a high degree of stickiness.
Explain how a Web portal would increase its stickiness and explain why it
would want to do so.

Having a sticky webs portal is very important as it enhances the site by making it
more attractive, fun and rewarding to the user.

First, let’s see how we can have a sticky web portal.

1. Give it a professional outlook and attractive appearance:

People will judge your brand depending on the appearance of your site. A site that
has a professional outlook will help establish credibility among the visitors and
hence convert them into buyers. Remember that your visitors have limited time to
browse through millions of related sites, and so the best favor you can do yourself
is create a site that they will stick to. Make it attractive enough to catch their
attention. Have the target client in mind when creating the site and ask yourself
whether the design and layout can make you want to browse through.

2. Use a simple interface:

Simple links such as to go to the previous page, next page, the top or bottom of
page or to the home page are important for anyone who desires to create a sticky
website. Browsing through different pages within your site should be easy and fast.
If the site looks complicated or difficult to browse through, users will try to avoid
it as they will consider it a waste of time. Try to make their life easier by creating a
solid UI that makes sense.

3. Focus on solving the problems and answering the questions of your visitors:

People visit your site because they are looking for the right answers and solutions.
Whether it is losing weight without pain, ways to save money or link building
tactics that won’t leave a footprint, tell them what you have for them. In fact, let
your visitors know what you do as soon as they arrive to your home page. Having
clear calls to action are one of the simplest ingredients of creating a sticky site.
4. Introduce your product(s) in a revolutionary way:

Your customer base has probably come across so many similar products, some of
which did not work. Be the one to tell them why your product is different, and how
it is different from all the others.

5. If possible, offer them a trial version or a free sample of the product:

Allowing users to sample your product before ordering will build trust and they
will even refer more people. There are those who will buy as soon as they realize
that you have a sample, as this is a sign of quality and credibility of your brand.

6. Interactive sites get sticky so fast.

Make sure visitors are able to leave comments. You never know when that one
person leaves a comment that sparks dozens of replies from other users. Also
ensure that your social share buttons are in plain sight for quick and convenient
sharing. Use poll questions and discussion boards to keep people entertained and
on site.

Now let’s go over some benefits of having a sticky web portal.

More Time on Site

Frequent visitors will be well informed of new product launches, sales promotions,
seasonal offers and any improvements made on your existing products. They’ll
become loyal customers, eventually influencing their friends to become customers

More Social Sharing

Today, sharing has become even better with the advancement of social media
sharing tools. People who are impressed like to share their experiences with others.
This helps spread the word about your brand and products on offer, thus boosting
your internet marketing campaigns. Subsequently, you will win a larger market
share by recruiting new clients, and eventually achieve your competitive edge in
that niche.
Better Relationships

A sticky website creates a long-lasting relationship with users and they will
become part of the site and product development process. They will always have a
reason to visit your site and thus stay informed of any new developments or
upcoming events thus grow to trust in your brand.

More Conversions

A sticky website boosts your sales. Repeat visitors become buyers, and
subsequently repeat customers. Once loyalty is established, you have a database of
must-buy visitors. For first time visitors, trial orders lead to real business and hence
increased sales. Though this may take time, you will eventually register profits
beyond your imagination. This is how you start rising to the top and eventually
become a leader in the field.

Just like Grandmother’s sticky buns, creating a sticky website doesn’t happen
overnight. Trial and error is the name of the game and it’s how we all progress.

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