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Using Watson for knowledge management

Alchemy Language is a collection of APIs that provide natural language processing

through text analysis (Watson, n.d.). This set of APIs provides the ability to put structure onto

unstructured text. In particular, at the time of writing, it provides a number of different potential

knowledge management capabilities, including the following:

• Entity extraction (cloud computing, United States);

• Sentiment analysis (documents are given a score and a rating of positive or negative);

• Emotion analysis (documents are categorized for the amounts of different emotions);

• Keyword extraction (keywords are extracted);

• Concept tagging (different concepts are tagged and rated for relevance);

• Relation extraction (relationships between companies or companies and capabilities);

• Taxonomy classification (categorization);

• Author extraction (author information, if present, is extracted);

• Language detection (for example English);

• Text extraction.

Watson provides additional knowledge management capabilities. Rather than having a

person go through and track who is the author of a document, what might be some keywords or

how the particular knowledge contribution should be catalogued by some taxonomy, the Watson

system provides those capabilities. In particular, Watson provides a number of capabilities

designed to facilitate content management. Based on these capabilities, a number of classic

knowledge management librarian capabilities appear to be automated. However, Watson also

expands on those kinds of knowledge management librarian capabilities. As an example, the

“emotion analysis” (as discussed above) service analyzes text in order to detect anger, disgust,
fear, joy and sadness in a sample of text that can be used as above or for other purposes.


The Tone Analyzer API is accessed by entering the password and username specified in

the service login details for the service instance that you want to utilize. Basic authentication is

used by the API. After you've created a Tone Analyzer instance, go to its dashboard page and

click Service Credentials from the left-hand navigation to see the instance's password and


I. Components

 iOS 8.0+

 Xcode 9.0+

 Swift 3.2+ or Swift 4.0+


You can develop this project as a starting kit on IBM Cloud, which automatically

provisioned essential services and injected service credentials into a bespoke fork of this pattern,

as an alternative to the procedures following:

i. Install developer tools

ii. Install dependencies

iii. Create a Tone Analyzer service instance

iv. Run


 Sign up for an account at IBM Cloud

 Download the IBM Cloud CLI

 Create an instance of the Tone Analyzer service and note down the login details:

 Proceed to the Tone Analyzer page in the IBM Cloud Catalog

 Proceed to login to your IBM Cloud account

 Click Create

 Click Show to view the service login details

 Copy the apikey value or the password and username values if your service

instance does not provide an apikey

 Copy the url

Configuring the application

 In the application folder, copy the .env.example file and create a file called .env

 cp .env.example .env

 Open the .env file and add the service credentials that you obtained in the previous step.

If your service instance uses username and password credentials, add the


.env file.

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