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…i’m going to talk about my experience in my department, executive advertising.

… We all know that in these projects we have to work as a team and this can be complex
because we are people with different tastes and ideas. And especially when it comes to art,
a very subjective type of visual communication. Therefore, from the beginning I realized that
I had to adapt rather than complain.

When I saw the first designs there were many things that I wanted to change, the color
scheme or the font style… and I didn't agree to the use of Canva because I was working with
Photoshop and I thought that we were all going to create designs from scratch. I didn’t
express this with the department because maybe I was being very perfectionist, the first
advertorials were not the best, but since when is the first result close to being perfect? I
myself saw my first advertorial recently and thought: "this could have been better". I also
started looking to canva for inspiration because design apps are useful tool and using them
is totally valid.

Another thing I learned was about creating ideas, some were very good at creating products
or services, while my ideas were about habits and thoughts that students should keep in
mind when their place of learning is online, the student's environment for example, I mean
ergonomics and motivation, one of the articles I read talked about motivation in students and
this inspired me to create an advertorial so that students know how to identify the reasons
for this lack motivation and thus, look for a solution.

And this also has to do with habits, another of my advertorials was about this because
studying from home shouldn’t mean having a messy schedule. Many times young people are
more active at night and we usually wake up late. In short, all the products, services or
reminders that we develop are very important to make life easier for students.

All these ideas were developed very quickly, our evolution happened from the second week,
so it didn't take long for me to adapt, and I realized that this was thanks to the environment
of the department. We were all friendly, there was always respect, and in an environment
like that, you can learn easily, in fact, the head gave us several ideas that we could use in
the advertorial articles. I believe that we all help each other in the process and I hope the
result is better than expected.

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