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Date :
Name :

Instruction :
a. Please write a sentence based on the verbs below!
b. Please use simple present tense to construct the sentence!
c. It should be submitted in 60 minutes!

1. Get 11. fight
2. Catch 12. find
3. Hold 13. fly
4. Hear 14. forget
5. Draw 15. let
6. Drive 16. hurt
7. Drink 17. dream
8. Eat 18. hug
9. Fall 19. follow
10. Feel 20. ask

Instruction :
1. Choose one of the topics in the box below!
2. Make a descriptive text at least 2 paragraphs.
3. Write 6-12 sentences in each paragraph.
4. Make sure that your descriptive text following the criteria :
a. Complete and tidy format.
b. Correct uses of punctuation and mechanics.
c. Unity and coherent arrangement of ideas.
d. Complete generic structure of report text.
5. Grammatical sentence ( use simple present tense )
6. It will be submitted in 60 minutes.

a. Tourism destination
b. My idol
c. Animal
d. My closed people

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