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2 Product Advertisement

1. What is the kind of the above picture?

2. What is the name of advertisiment product?
3. What for the product use?
4. Who is the user of the product?
5. What are you doing after read this advertisement?
LK. 1
Siswa mempresentasikan Hasil Diskusi kelompok dari iklan yang disajikan oleh guru yaitu :
1. Menentukan Tujuan Iklan yang disajikan
2. Menyebutkan nama produk iklan yang disajikan
3. Menyebutkan siapa pengguna dari produk tersebut.
LK. 3

1. What is the kind of the above picture?

2. What is the name of advertisiment service?
3. What is the advertisement offered?
4. Who is the user of the service?
5. What are you doing after read this advertisement?
LK 4

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