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BY : R. Sri Ayu Indrapuri, S.Pd.

a. The Definition of Form
* Form is something that gives a
person or group data of
someone who wants to join
their business or organization
* A form is used to provide
information about an applicant
to an organization or business
* We need to fill out a form
when we want to open a bank
account, making passport,
applying for university and so
b.Example of FORM
b. Example of FORM
c. Generic Structure of Form
1. Title
2. Information
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Date of birth
- Nationality
- Family members
- Employment status

d. Features of Form
1. Simple Present tense
2. Abbreviation
Example :
- Abbreviations for month: January ->
Jan, February -> Feb.
- Abbreviations for time: am/pm.
- Abbreviations for measurement: cm, m,
a. The Definition of Notice
* Notice is a form of functional text used as instruction or guidance to
someone doing or not doing something
* Notice may be in the form of phrases (combination of words), clause
(Sentence), or an image / mark / sign.
* Notice is the fact of observing or paying attention to something
* Purposes of Notice :
1. To give an instruction
2. To give information
3. To advice/suggest
4. To remind
5. To warn
b. Generic Structure of Notice
* Attention gather (optional)
* Information
* Closure (optional)

c. Language Feature
* Using Imperative mood
(imperative sentence)
* Using Declarative reference
* Spoken / written language
d. Example of Notice
a. The Definition of Sign
SIGN :An object, quality, or event whose presence or
occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of
something else
b. Generic Structure of Sign
- Symbol
- Picture
- Name

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