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Quantum physics:


1.Crystalline Vs Amorphous differences

2.Definitions - Crystalline, single crystal, poly crystalline material, lattice,
basis, crystal structure, unit cell and types, crystallographic axis, nearest
Neighbour distance, atomic packing fractions.
3.7 Crystal systems and 14 Bravais lattices and diagrams
4.Atomic packing fractions of SC,BCC and FCC
5.Energy band formation
6.Classification of solids based on band theory-conductors, semiconductors and
7.Semiconductors-types-Extrinsic and intrinsic (Both Bond and band diagrams of N
and P-Types)
8.Differences between Intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors
9.Direct and In-direct bandgap semiconductors
10.Lasers-Characteristics, All definitions-Absorption, Spontaneous emission,
stimulated emission, lasing action, Lifetime, meta stable state, population
11.Various pumping mechanisms
12.Components of Laser - Active medium, pumping system, optical resonator
13.Ruby Laser
14.Semiconductor Laser

CO-2 -Topics:
1. Classical Vs Quantum theory definitions
2.Failures of classical theory
3.Thomson and Rutherford Atomic Models
4.Bohr's Atomic model and its limitations
5.Black body radiations with all laws (Stefan, Wein's, Rayleigh-Jeans, Planck's)
6.Photo electric effect
7.Compton effect
8.Wave particle duality of light and matter
9.Concept of matter waves- de-Broglie's hypothesis-de-Broglie's wavelength various
forms of matter waves
11.Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
12.Phase and group velocity of matter waves
13.Davisson and Germer's experiment

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