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Social isolation and loneliness among older adults in the context of COVID-19: a global challenge


With the prevalence of depressive symptoms, mental health problems are widespread in older adults.
The COVID-19 pandemic's rapid spread, greater mortality rate, self-isolation, social-distancing, and quarantine
could all increase the likelihood of mental illness. 2 Mental health issues (new or old) could worsen, impairing
cognitive and emotional performance even more. Unlike the younger generation, who are well-equipped with
modern devices and internet services, the majority of older folks have limited access to and knowledge of the
internet and smart phones.

Depression and anxiety mediate social isolation, social distancing, social disconnectedness, and
loneliness. Higher depressive and anxiety symptoms were associated with self-perceived social isolation and
disconnectedness. In the home environment, healthcare facilities, nursing centers, religious and cultural groups,
social and community centers for older individuals, brief evidence-based psychological preventive public health
interventions could be designed and executed. Social connection and healthy relationships with oneself and
others could be fostered by action-based psychological preventive public health measures. During times of
isolation, cognitive skills and social support networks may be able to assist older persons in fostering
meaningful connections and a sense of belonging. Cognitive, behavioral, social, positive, and short therapies
provided online or in person have the potential to improve mental health, social attachment, and support while
also reducing feelings of loneliness.


Precipitating Factors: Predisposing Factors:

• Smoking and alcohol use • Age
• Atherosclerosis • Gender
• High Levels of LPL • Genetics
• Diabetes

Accumulation of and inability to clear abnormal amyloid beta and tau proteins

development into plaques

plaques prevent normal neurotransmission

Amyloid gets deposited in the cerebral arteries

Reduced blood flow to the brain.

Degeneration of
neurofibrillary tangles
cholinergic neurons

cell death
loss of acetylcholine

Immune responses are triggered

neuro in amma on & oxida ve stress

The brain atrophies, the ventricles widen,

and changes to the basal ganglia

Altera on in motor control, execu ve

func ons and emo ons







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