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Sark PID MHSRe CEA) ARRAAl COSCO PT. COSCO SHIPPING LINES INDONESIA Dear Customer, Kepada relasi yang terhormat Space utilization still being one of shipping line most important issue which need extra monitoring to avoid wasting space. Penggunaan space di setiap kapal untuk kebutuhan export adalah salah satu hal yang menjadi perhatian utama bagi pelayaran agar tidak ada space yang terbuang Therefore would like to ask your support for any cancel booking/move to other vessel/postpone to next schedule/reduce or adding container quantity has to submit latest 7 (seven) days prior to closing CY, submission after cut off time will incur penalty (detail as below) with effective from 7” November 2021 Oleh karena itu kami mohon bantuan agar semua informasi terkait cance! booking/pindah kapal/penundaan booking ke schedule berikutnya/mengurangi atau menambahkan jumiah container disampaikan tertulis kepada kami paling lambat 7 hari sebelum closing CY, terhitung mulai 7th ‘November 2021 pemberitahuan melebihi waktu yang ditetapkan akan dikenakan denda (sesuai data dibawah) This cut off time is very important because we have to re-arrange space utilization or given space to other customer for replacing open space. Tenggat waktu pemberitahuan tersebut sangat diperlukan agar kami dapat menggunakan space kapal sebaik mungkin dan mencarl pengganti bookingnya. Penalty charges as below: ATO UsD300 UsD600 ETD ‘USD300 USD600 APTD UsD200 | Usb400. LATO usD200 UsD400 ‘SEA usD100 UsD200 KH. Mas Mansyur Kav. 126 - Karet Tengsin, Jakerta Pusat 10220 - INDONESIA Phone : +62 21 22057980, 22057507 (Hunting), Fax : #62 21 22087522 Eanes £7. IRS SE CEA) APR AA COSGO Pt. COSCO SHIPPING LINES INDONESIA Branch Offs: Gedung Graha Paci Lantal 10 41 anil Raa N71 Strabo 27 rela Ph #62-31-99001048 Fax. ¥8291-06001810 “note: ‘ATD= American (USEC,. USWC, Canada) ETD= Europe ana Mediterranean (Europe, West Med, East Med) * APTD: sia Pasific (Aussie, NZ, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, India Subcon & Pakistan) . LATDE Latin America (West East Southeast Southwest Africa, Carribean, ECSA, WCSA) SE south East Asia (Intra Asia, China, Japan, Korea) Appreciate your cooperation enable us for arranging your shipment smoothly Terimakasih atas kerjasamanya Head Office: TCC BATAVIA 191 Floor - J. KH. Mas Mansyur Kay. 126 - Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220 - INDONESIA Phone : +62 21 22057980, 22057507 (Hunting), Fax : +62 24 22057522

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