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Children must learn about right and wrong during their childhood.

While some people believe

that punishment is an effective method, others argue that it will only repulse children. This essay
completely agrees with the argument that parents should implement some form of punishment as
it helps children clearly understand the difference between right and wrong and that a form of
punishment that is useful and ethical is doing extra work. 
Without some form of punishment, children would struggle to understand what is right and
wrong. To begin with when children do something wrong once or twice, it is acceptable to teach
them by words; however, when a child chooses to repeat the offense several times, the child
should be held accountable for their actions. Chores can be an useful method to teach children
since, while doing chores are often unpleasant for children, they are not damaging in any way.
When a child repeats a wrongdoing, such as staying up beyond curfew without permission, they
may be forced to do extra housework, which will teach them that if they don't want to do more
chores, they should avoid bad behavior.
Many people who oppose punishments believe that punishments can have serious psychological
consequences for children, influencing them to be bad and grow up to be bad people. However,
that is because people are thinking punishments in a negative way instead of a positive way, not
to mention that without consequences, children find it difficult to understand why some things
should not be done. When a “useful” punishment is reinforced, usually in light forms like chores
or grounding, kids will learn that actions have consequences without having to go through
psychological damages. “Harmful” punishments, such as hitting or yelling at children, are not
condoned and are not the sole ways of punishment.
There are many forms of punishment but the best form is called, as mentioned before, a “light” or
“useful” punishment, which is a form of behavior modification that doesn’t result in the child
inheriting negative or abusive behaviors in the future; a good example of this is making a child do
extra tasks around the house. Usually, children are given a certain number of chores to complete
each day. Children comprehend that adding more work that they don't need to perform at initially
is not ideal for them and that such consequences can be avoided if they do not do something
Ultimately, there is some stigma and controversy on whether or not punishments should be
reinforced. However, the idea that punishment can be a good thing without being morally wrong
should be reinforced as it is not wrong by default. There are ethical punishments, one effective
one being extra housework as it not only makes children understand why something is bad but it
also ensures the safety of a child. 

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