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ESSAY: 43.

Classify white matter of cerebrum and

1. Inguinal canal explain internal capsule in detail with
2. Stomach its applied anatomy
3. Duodenum 44. Intercostal space and its contents
4. Extra Hepatic Biliary apparatus (Typical intercostal nerve, artery and
5. Portal Vein vein)
6. Pancreas 45. Azygos system of veins
7. Kidney 46. Lungs
8. Diaphragm 47. Mediastinum and its contents
9. Uterus and its supports 48. External features of heart
10. Prostate gland 49. Right atrium of heart
11. Testis 50. Blood Supply of heart
12. Anal Canal 51. Mammary gland & its Lymphatic
13. Urinary Bladder Drainage
14. Male urethra 52. Brachial plexus.
15. Scalp 53. Shoulder Joint – type, Articular
16. Posterior triangle of neck surfaces, Ligaments, Relations,
17. Carotid triangle of neck Movements and Muscles producing it,
18. Parotid gland Applied Anatomy
19. Temporomandibular Joint 54. Trapezius muscle & Structure under
20. Mandibular nerve cover of it.
21. Submandibular gland 55. Deltoid Muscle and structures under
22. Thyroid gland cover of it.
23. Classify dural venous sinuses and 56. Axillary artery.
Explain cavernous sinus in detail. 57. Radial Nerve
24. Extra ocular muscles 58. Median Nerve
25. Larynx 59. Ulnar Nerve
26. Tongue 60. Elbow joint and anastomosis around
27. Middle Ear cavity the elbow joint.
28. Facial Nerve 61. Spaces of Hand.
29. Femoral Triangle
30. Gluteus maximus & Structures, under
cover of it
31. Popliteal fossa
32. Hip Joint
33. Knee joint
34. Subtalar joint – Inversion & Eversion
35. Arches of foot
36. Sciatic Nerve
37. Spinal Cord
38. Fourth ventricle
39. Cerebellum
40. Cerebrum – sulci and gyri and
functional areas
41. Lateral ventricle
42. Blood supply of brain
1. Orbicularis oculi
2. Buccinator
3. Platysma
4. Facial artery
5. Cutaneous innervations of face
6. Dangerous area of face
7. Bell’s palsy
8. Lacrimal Apparatus
9. Sternocleidomastoid
10. External Jugular vein
11. Suboccipital triangle
12. Digastric triangle
13. Carotid Sheath
14. Maxillary Artery
15. Muscles of Mastication
16. Otic ganglion
17. Hyoglossus muscle and its relations.
18. Internal jugular vein
19. Vertebral artery
20. Scalenus Anterior
21. Hypophysis cerebri
22. Middle Meningeal Artery
23. Ciliary ganglion
24. Soft palate
25. Waldayer’s Lymphatic ring
26. Palatine tonsil
27. Auditory tube
28. Lateral Wall of nose
29. Nasal Septum
30. Pterygopalatine ganglion
31. Sagittal section of eyeball
32. Tympanic Membrane
33. Falx cerebri
34. Tentorium Cerebelli
35. Styloid apparatus
36. Great Saphenous Vein
37. Short Saphenous Vein
38. Femoral Artery
39. Femoral Nerve
40. Femoral canal
41. Femoral Sheath
42. Quadriceps Femoris
43. Tensor Fascia lata
44. Ilio tibial tract
45. Popliteal Artery
46. Adductor Canal
47. Adductor magnus
48. Obturator Nerve
49. Cruciate Anastamosis
50. Trochanteric Anastamosis
51. Anastamosis around knee joint
52. Hamstring Muscles
53. Extensor Retinaculum of leg
54. Foot Drop
55. Flexor Retinaculum of leg
56. Tibialis Anterior
57. Tibialis posterior
58. Common Peroneal Nerve
59. Tibial Nerve
60. Gastrocnemius
61. Soleus
62. Cruciate ligament of knee joint
63. Menisci of knee joint
64. Dorsalis pedis artery
65. Lumbricals of foot
66. Interossei of foot
67. Plantar Aponeurosis
68. Plantar Nerves
69. Spring Ligament
70. Deltoid Ligament
71. Locking & Unlocking of knee joint
72. Peroneus longus & Brevis
73. Popliteus
74. Lateral Rotators of Hip Joint
75. Adductor hallucis
76. Trendelenberg’s test
77. Perforating veins
78. Plantar arch
79. Deep peroneal nerve
80. Superficial peroneal nerve
81. Basal Ganglia
82. Subarachnoid cisterns
83. T.S of medulla at the level of motor decussation
84. T.S of medulla at the level of sensory decussation
85. T.S of medulla at the level of inferior olivary nucleus
86. T.S of midbrain at the level of superior colliculus
87. T.S of midbrain at the level of inferior colliculus
88. Third ventricle
89. Circle of Willis
90. Corpus callosum
91. Wallenberg Syndrome
92. VPM nuclei of thalamus
93. Suprapleural membrane
94. First rib
95. Cervical rib
96. Internal thoracic artery
97. Bronchopulmonary segments of lung
98. Arch of Aorta
99. Superior vena cava
100. Thoracic duct
101. Oesophagus
102. Trachea
103. Recesses of pleura
104. Sinuses of pericardium
105. Thoracic sympathetic chain
106. Pectoralis major
107. Serratus Anterior
108. Lattismus Dorsi
109. Biceps brachii
110. Triceps brachii
111. Supinator
112. Lumbricals of Hand
113. Interossei
114. Deltoid
115. Trapezius
116. Brachioradialis
117. Extensor expansion or Dorsal digital expansion
118. Musculocutanous nerve
119. Axillary nerve
120. Radial nerve in spiral groove
121. Posterior interosseous nerve
122. Median nerve in hand
123. Ulnar nerve in hand
124. Third part of Axillary artery
125. Brachial artery
126. Profunda brachii artery
127. Anastomosis around the scapula
128. Anastomosis around the elbow joint
129. Superficial palmar arch
130. Deep Palmar arch
131. Cephalic vein
132. Median Cubital vein
133. Radioulnar joint
134. Supination and pronation
135. First carpo metacarpal joint
136. Abduction of shoulder joint
137. Clavipectoral fascia
138. Boundaries and Contents of axilla
139. Quadrangular and triangular spaces
140. Cubital fossa
141. Axillary lymph nodes
142. Flexor retinaculum
143. Extensor Retinaculum
144. Lymphatic drainage of Mammary gland
145. Palmar aponeurosis
146. Dorsal spaces of hand
147. Mid palmar space
148. Thenar Space
149. Erb’s Paralysis
150. Carpal tunnel syndrome
151. Winging of scapula
152. Wrist drop
153. Claw hand
154. Klumpke’s paralysis
155. Duptyrens Contracture
156. Carrying angle
157. Rotator Cuff
158. Inguinal Ligament
159. Rectus Sheath
160. Greater omentum
161. Lesser omentum
162. Mesentery
163. Lesser sac
164. Epiploic Foramen
165. Hepatorenal pouch or Morrisons Pouch
166. Pouch of Douglas
167. Meckels diverticulum
168. Caecum
169. Appendix
170. Coeliac trunk
171. Superior Mesenteric artery
172. Hepatic Segments
173. Ligaments of Liver
174. Ureter
175. Suprarenal Gland
176. Psoas Major
177. Thoracolumbar fascia
178. Abdominal aorta
179. Inferior vena cava
180. Lumbar plexus
181. Superficial and Deep perineal Pouches
182. Ischiorectal fossa
183. Pudendal canal
184. Pudendal Nerve
185. Ovary
186. Fallopian tube
187. Perineal Body
188. Pelvic Diaphragm
189. Cremaster Muscle
190. Spleen

1. Cornea
2. Retina
3. Serous Salivary Gland
4. Mucous Salivary Gland
5. Mixed Salivary Gland
6. Pituitary Gland
7. Thyroid gland
8. Suprarenal gland
9. Tongue
10. Lymph Node
11. Spleen
12. Thymus
13. Tonsil
14. Skeletal Muscle
15. Cardiac Muscle.
16. Smooth Muscle
17. Medium Sized Artery.
18. Elastic Artery
19. Large & Medium Sized Vein
20. Thick & Thin skin.
21. Sympathetic & dorsal root ganglion
22. Cerebrum
23. Cerebellum
24. Spinal cord
25. Lung
26. Trachea

27. Hyaline cartilage

28. Elastic Cartilage
29. Compact bone T.S & L.S
30. Transitional Epithelium
31. Stratified squamous Epithelium

32. Stomach
33. Duodenum
34. Ileum
35. Appendix
36. Liver
37. Pancreas
38. Kidney
39. Urinary bladder
40. Testis
41. Uterus
42. Ovary

1. Development of Face
2. Development of Palate
3. Pharyngeal Arches
4. Pharyngeal pouches
5. Tongue
6. Thyroid gland
7. Pituitary gland
8. Formation of chorionic villi
9. Placenta and its anomalies
10. Umbilical cord
11. Intra embryonic mesoderm
12. Formation of amnion & chorion
13. Neural crest cells
14. Subdivisions of neural tube
15. Development of Interatrial septum
16. Development of Interventricular septum
17. Development of right atrium
18. Tetralogy of Fallot
19. Foetal Circulation
20. Spermatogenesis
21. Oogenesis
22. Fertilisation
23. Implantation
24. Blastocyst
25. Cleavage
26. Gastrulation
27. Somites
28. Primitive streak
29. Notochord
30. Development of Pancreas
31. Rotation of Midgut
32. Development of Kidney
33. Development of Urinary Bladder
34. Descent of testis
35. Cloaca and its subdivisions
36. Development of Diaphragm
37. Development of Portal vein
38. Derivatives of Paramesonephric duct
39. Derivatives of Mesonephric duct

1. Structure and classification of chromosome and its numerical and structural and
numerical abnormalities
2. Karyotyping
3. Chorionic villus sampling
4. Amniocentesis

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