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Cele mai recente întrebări acordate la Interviul de Job

1. Where do you study?
2. What faculty? Why has he/she chosen to study in this area?
3. What plans do you have for future?
4. Date of birth?
5. Do you have a driving license? For how long do you drive?
6. Can you swim?
7. Say something about yourself, what do you do or what you like to do in your free time?
8. Can you describe yourself? How can you characterize yourself?
9. What will you do if you have problems with your boss at work in US?

1. Where have you worked so far and in what position ?
2. When have you worked?
3. What did you like about that job?
4. Tell us about your duties at that job?

Hotel experience:
1. How many rooms has the hotel?
2. How many rooms are you able to clean per day?
3. Is this a hard job? Why?
4. Ennumerate the things that are in a bathroom?

Restaurant experience
1. How many tables you served at a time?
2. What kind of dishes did they have at the restaurant?
3. Explain at least 2 kinds of dishes the restaurant served?
4. What kind of cocktails can you make?
5. What kind of drinks they serve in your restaurant?
6. Tell about traditional food in Moldova is? How do you cook that?
7. What wine is served with beef/fish?

Kitchen experience
1. Tell about traditional food in Moldova is? How do you cook that?
2. At what temperature is meat cooked?
3. Eggs, meat, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots – how can they be cut (diced, sliced)?
4. Ingredients for pizza?

1. Do you like to swim? How good can you swim? Have you been at the pool recently/this week?
2. How many styles of swimming you know? What is your favorite?
3. For how long can you swim continuously?

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