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Good morning, ms...

Before I start my presentation today, let me introduce my self. My name is ......from grade 2
in Al azhar 52 primary school

In thematic subject, i want to present 2 projects.

First project is mathematic about division/multiplication(based on the qustion).
Now i will read the question ”There are 4 straws in each box. How many straws are in 4

Okay, let’s practice. There are 4 boxes (pointing on the boxes), and There are 4 straws in
each box(put the straws in to the boxes) . So there are 16 straws altogether because 4 times 4
is 16

Second project is Civic. In civic i will tell you about my hobby. My hobby is football
So, I bring this ball to represent my hobby.
I like playing football because its healthy for my body and its so fun
My favourite footbal player is David Beckam
I usually play football in the evening with my friends in the field

For the next subject

I Will tell you about my project and this is my English project, I call it mini theater of fabel.

So, today I Will tell you a story' about " The Bear and Turtle Have a Race "

Oke let's listen to my story'..

~ story in your global English (learners book) on page 56 ~

That's all my story' , from this story' we get some moral value. The Moral value is please
don't be arrogant person, because we are not perfect person

For the next subject is Religion,

Before I start my presentation, In religion i have learn 4 cleanliness. The first, Cleanliness for
Second, Cleanliness for clothes
Third, Cleanliness at mosque
And the last, Cleanliness at home
This is the example Cleanliness for our body. The first picture brush the teteh and the second
cutting the nails (based on the pictures yang dipilih oleh ms nya)

So, the message based on this picture is we must taking shower 2 Times in a day

Oke, I think enough my project in SLC

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

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