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Before you read. Look at the pictures and the names written in purple. Who are the characters in this play? ) Bear and Turtle have a race: Narrator: One cold winter day, Bear is walking and singing. This folktale is from the Seneca Indians in the United States. Bear: T'm the best in the forest. Tm the fastest runner of all. I'm big and fast and strong and brave! I'm better than you all. os Turtle 1: Bear is always boasting. Turtle 2: Bear makes me angry! Turtle 3: I think we need to teach ‘him a lesson. Narrator: The turtles whisper together. They have a plan. Good idea! Very clever. Let’s do it! fr Nae The next day, Bear: Turtle 1: Bear: Turtle 1: Bear: Turtle 1: 3 The animals come to watch the race. We're cheering for Bear. Bear sees Turtle sitting on a rock. What are you doing, Turtle? Tm writing a song: Tm the best in the forest. I'm the fastest swimmer of all...” That is a silly song! Bears are fast. Turtles are stow. Not when we are swimming. I can swim faster than you can run. That is ridiculous. Let’s have a race! OK! Let's meet at the pond tomorrow. Tcan swim, you can run. We're cheering for Turtle. Ready, steady, go! Hurry up, Bear! I'm going faster than you. Ready, steady, go! Turtle 2: Bear: Turtle 3: Bear: Crow: Deer & Fox: Rabbit & Frog: Bear: Deer: Fox: Narrator: Turtle 4: Turtles 1, 2&3: Turtle 4: Wow! That turtle is swimming fast! Hurry up, Bear! T’m running as fast as I can. Look at me, Bear. I’m winning! Oh no, I'm losing the race. Turtle is the winner! Turtle’s won the race! Hooray for Turtle! I'm going to mycave. I don’t want to see anyone. I'msorry, Bear. Don't feel sad. It's just a sillyrace, Bear. When everyone is gone, Turtle taps on the ice three times. You can come out now. We did it! We won! Yes, turtles are not fast, but we are clever!

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