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1. How does curiosity affect a person’s way of innovating?

The more we are interest and curious to something, the more we will gain new ideas.
Because when we are interested to something we are willing to seek new ideas, and
that will help us to survive and also it will let us to be innovative and creative like
Alexander graham Bell.

2. If the company did not ask Egon Zehnder to evaluate their employee, would it have
made a difference in their decision on whether to hire him or not? Why or why not?

Absolutely Yes! Because it is very vital to a company to evaluate every employee before
they hired him. Because base on Egon Zehnder, an employee or an entrepreneur should
have curiosity, insights, engagement, and determination. Because that four things will
help to a company so if they not evaluate the employee they will not know if he is
interested to his work.

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