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1 Warm up

Can you name the four seasons of the year?

2 Clothes for different seasons

Match the pictures to the names of the clothes. When do you wear these clothes?

a bikini a dress a jumper a scarf

flip-flops gloves shorts tights

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

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3 Activities for different seasons

Match a word on the left to a word on the right to make phrases for the different seasons.

1. drink a. apples

2. go b. flowers

3. lie c. Halloween costumes

4. eat d. hot chocolate

5. clean e. ice-cream

6. create f. on the beach

7. smell g. skiing

8. pick h. your home

Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about each season, like in the example. Use the
phrases from the exercise.

A: What do people do in summer?

B: They lie on the beach.

With your partner, think of other activities that you can do in different seasons.

4 Weather and seasons

What typical weather can you find in different seasons? Have a conversation with your partner like
in the example below.

A: What’s the weather like in summer?

B: It’s warm and sunny.

5 Months of the year

Complete the sentences on the next page.

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1. The first (1st) month of the year is January.

2. The second (2nd) month of the year is .
3. The (3rd) month of the year is March.
4. The fourth (4th) month of the year is .
5. The (5th) month of the year is May.
6. The sixth (6th) month of the year is .
7. The (7th) month of the year is July.
8. The eighth (8th) month of the year is .
9. The (9th) month of the year is September.
10. The tenth (10th) month of the year is .
11. The (11th) month of the year is November.
12. The twelfth (12th) month of the year is .

Now, with a partner, ask each other questions.:

A: Which month of the year is July? B: It’s the seventh month.

6 Special Days

Match the questions to the answers. Read the questions and answers in pairs.

1. Which season is New Year’s Eve in? a. It’s in December.

2. Which month is it in? b. It’s in winter.

3. Which day of the month is it on? c. It’s on the 31st.

Work in pairs. Student A, ask student B a question from this exercise to complete your table. Student
B, answer the questions. Change roles and repeat.

Student A

Special Day Date Month Season

Valentine’s Day Winter

Easter Day March (2016)

Diwali October

Day of the Dead (Dia de 1st-2nd Autumn

los Muertos)

St. Patrick’s Day 17th Spring

Eid-al-Adha September

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Student B

Special Day Date Month Season

Valentine’s Day 14th February

Easter Day Spring

Diwali 29/30th Autumn

Day of the Dead (Dia de 1st-2nd November

los Muertos)

St. Patrick’s Day March

Eid-al-Adha 12th-13th Autumn

7 Talking point

What are some other special days in your country?

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2. Clothes for different seasons

Students can work individually and check in pairs. Note that in American English, ‘a jumper’ is ‘a sweater’ and
‘tights’ are ‘pantyhose’.
1. a jumper 2. a scarf
3. gloves 4. a bikini
5. flip-flops 6. shorts
7. tights 8. a dress

3. Activities for different seasons

1. d 2. g 3. f 4. e 5. h 6. c 7. b 8. a

4. Weather and seasons

Here, students can review weather vocabulary, which they studied in the worksheet ‘What’s the weather like?’.

5. Months of the year

1. February 2. third 3. April 4. fifth

5. June 6. seventh 7. August 8. ninth
9. October 10. eleventh 11. December

6. Special Days

1. b
2. a
3. c

Divide students into pairs. Student As should use Page 3. Hand out Page 4 to student Bs. Students ask and
answer questions to complete the tables and check their answers, e.g. "Which month is Valentine’s Day in?" "It’s
in February." Some students may not know these special days. Easter Day is the day when Christians give thanks
that Jesus was raised from the dead. Celebrations are held different in different countries. Diwali is the Hindu
‘festival of lights’. It celebrates the victory of light over darkness or good over evil. People put lights around their
homes and temples. Eid al-Adha is a Muslim festival where families sometimes kill an animal. It honours Ibrahim
(Abraham), who sacrificed his son. Day of the Dead is a festival in Mexico where people honour the dead. There
are big parades where people dress up. St. Patrick’âĂŹs Day is a special day when there are parades to celebrate
the Irish saint St. Patrick, and people also drink a lot of alcohol. Source:Wikipedia

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