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A Glorious Journey of Past Life Regression

Dr. Rakesh Jain, Ph.D.

• Easiest techniques of past life regression

• Promising healing techniques of PLRT
• Innovative Joseph Murphy Model
• Quick identification of soul mates
• Resolution of repetitive dreams
• Key hypnosis skills
• Frameworks of hypnotherapy
• Visualization techniques
• Instant spirit removal procedures
• Rapid remote healing
• Best Self-hypnosis and regression protocols
• Group hypnosis and regression
• Creative techniques of abreaction handling
• Scientific researches on reincarnation
• Skeptic’s views
• Comprehensive user’s guide to PLRT
• Many more thrilling concepts and
procedures recommended to every
interested person


Preface.................................................................................................................. 3
I Have Accessed My Previous Lives................................................................ 5
Initiation into the Power of Reiki Healing ...................................................... 9
A Long Journey of Hypnosis .......................................................................... 14
Unfolding of Divine Plan ................................................................................ 25
Time Travel to Dwapar Yug ........................................................................... 31
Accessing Two Past Lives in a Single Session .............................................. 38
Identification of Soul Mates & Proxy Regression ........................................ 43
Past Life Experiences Get Released in Dreams ............................................ 47
Regression to Animal Lives ............................................................................ 51
Refining Hypnosis Skills ................................................................................. 55
Comprehending Client’s Issues ..................................................................... 82
Models of Hypnotherapy ................................................................................ 87
Age Regression Model..................................................................................... 99
Techniques of Accessing Past Life Regression ........................................... 103
Techniques of Exploration ............................................................................ 112
Techniques of Healing ................................................................................... 122
Non-corporeal Being: The Psychoplasm ..................................................... 129
Personification Model .................................................................................... 137
Remote Intervention ...................................................................................... 152
Divya Jheel Baba............................................................................................. 159
Do-it-Yourself ................................................................................................. 164
Doing-it-in-Groups ........................................................................................ 172
Lessons in Regression Failure ...................................................................... 176
Indications and Contra-indications ............................................................. 178
Claims of Healing........................................................................................... 180
Side Effects and Dangers ............................................................................... 185
Abreaction Management ............................................................................... 193
Scientific Examination of Reincarnation ..................................................... 199
Disputing the Evidence ................................................................................. 209
Leading Contributors .................................................................................... 214
User’s Guide ................................................................................................... 220
Bibliography ....................................................................................................... i

Past life regression is emerging as one of the most popular
complementary healing procedure especially after the media coverage,
prime time television shows and bestselling books of the pioneers like
Dr. Brian Weiss. I am using past life regression since 2002. In the course
my applications, I could make significant advancements in the
techniques of regression and healing. I have also been educating the mass
regarding myths pertaining to hypnosis and applications of past life
regression through lectures and workshops in various forums.
To demystify the whole field of enquiry, I am presenting core concepts
and my simple and tested techniques along with relevant case studies.
Individuals with a pro mindset having a working knowledge of the
language can learn about the concepts, skills and the techniques
presented in this book. However, I advise enthusiasts to avoid getting
involved into any naïve and unsupervised experimentation of the
techniques because of obvious potentials for causing harms to the
subjects. I would instead recommend that a motivated and qualified
reader can get familiar and informed about the field of hypnosis, past life
regression; and then pursue the training if he/she wants to do so. I would
also advise the reader for careful reading of the disclaimer of this book.
In my initial days, I was taking about one hour for hypnotic induction
and facilitating access to past lives in a client. Now with the advanced
techniques revealed in this book, I have been able to reduce this time to a
few minutes; in fact less than five minutes in many cases. I can now
utilize this saved time for regression work, healing and seeing other
clients. To me the major breakthroughs are (i) “Personification Model”
(ii) “Jheel-Baba Model” (iii) Joseph Murphy Model, which are elucidated
in this volume. I have not kept any secret with me; I have shared most of
the concepts and skills of this field.
I specifically worked on the agenda of simplifying the procedures of past
life regression with an objective to enable the practitioners to integrate
them into their practice and make further refinements and updates. I also
have a vision of promoting scientific researches in the field of past life
regression for following themes – cataloguing indications and contra-
indications of past life regression, life between lives regression,
personification model, future life progression, existence of psychoplasm
and the similar procedures. While conducting researches, I advocate the
use of sophisticated research designs at par with psychotherapy research
so that results can convincingly be presented in standard and peer
reviewed journals. This way, we can move forward for integration of this
form of healing into the arena of scientifically acceptable modalities of
It seems that individual level researches would be too cumbersome and
overwhelming because of the time consuming nature of the procedures.
If we therapists could form several research panels, develop collaborative
research protocols and devote a part of our time for conducting
researches, then we can generate a huge database within the span of a
few years.
With all the humility I would like to express gratitude and indebtedness
to my teachers, clients, friends, students, volunteers, professionals and
the well-wishers who have rendered their direct or indirect support in
shaping me and being helpful to me in this divine plan. I am equally
grateful to all.
English is my second language, hence I would request the readers to skip
the language errors and focus on the strengths of innovative concepts
and experiences. I am looking forward for constructive feedbacks and
experiences for inclusion in the next revisions. I intend to reach as many
people as possible through translation of this piece of work in most major
languages of the world. The interest in translation may be transmitted to
my personal email ID:

20th July 2012 Rakesh Jain

I Have Accessed My Previous Lives
I shifted to Agra Mansik Arogyashala (AMA) on 20th January 1998
as Senior Clinical Psychologist and resigned from my previous job
as Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology at Chetana Institute
for the Mentally Handicapped, Bhubaneswar, Orissa (India). It
was a pleasant moment for me as I had always cherished a desire
for working in a Mental Hospital and Agra in particular. This
desire was shaped by the books I used to read during my early
days in psychology whose authors were mostly from Agra and
this hospital has a distinct international recognition and fame due
to its contribution in the field of mental health. I was a little
euphoric and outgoing from my usual introvert and shy
temperament. I found my new colleagues, friends, well-wishers
and soul mates. It was a new environment, a different kind of job
and oceans of opportunities. I developed intimate relationships
with some of my colleagues. Sri R.P. Sharma is one of them whom
we affectionately call “Sharmaji”. Sharmaji was working as a
Psychiatric Social Worker in the hospital since August 1973 and
retired in August 2006. He has an extensive knowledge of history
and war literature with a bent towards spirituality and meditation.
He narrates his experiences in picturesque ways which rapidly
captures one’s attention and my friends and I are fond of listening
to him.
In the very year 1998, I was invited to join a marriage ceremony of
the son of one of our employees. In late evening, we departed to
the marriage venue by a bus. I did not have any idea of the bus
route and it was dark outside. Sharmaji and I were sitting on the
back seat in the bus and sharing our experiences; I was absorbed.
It was a journey of about half an hour and he kept on telling me
one or the other experiences and I was just listening to him. Our
topics usually revolved around meditation and spirituality. I am a
follower of Kirya Yoga since 1996, and as such have a keen interest
in meditation and spirituality which was reinforced by
“Autobiography of a Yogi”.

In the course of conversations, Sharmaji told me “see now I am
going to share a secret of my life with you; I have not yet shared
with any other person and you should keep it a top secret”. With
this binding clause, he revealed to me “I have accessed my previous
lives in meditation”. It was just a shocking and simply unbelievable
revelation to me. I got even more engrossed and he continued.
“That it was 19th Century, I was serving Indian army and had died
in an ambush, a bullet hit my head and I died on the spot”. He
emphasized this experience by qualifying that “I had vivid
visualizations of this experience; not only once, but on more
My suggestible psyche got preoccupied in his experiences and
kept on reverberating not only during the rest of marriage
ceremony but for months and years. Initially, frequently and later
on a little less, but it did not wipe from my mind. I used to wander
how it could be. Is it really possible? Can anyone really access
one’s previous lives in this manner? Can I also have a direct
personal experience of similar nature? I was getting lost with the
questions of similar kind when alone particularly during evening
I was staying alone in Kailashpuri, Agra (India) and my wife was
still working as Assistant Professor of Special Education in
Chetana Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Bhubaneswar.
We both were quite happy with our reverent teacher and General
Secretary, Prof N.C Pati in Chetana; he guided both of us for
doctoral dissertations and we have a deep intimacy. He never
wanted us to leave Chetana. We all were well adjusted and
working hard to see Chetana growing. I still remember the day
when I was departing for the selection interview scheduled in
Agra on 20th July 1997. I was a bit reluctant to travel to Agra for the
interview because, the interview dates were fixed within a short
time of application, I had hardly prepared anything for the
selection interview and Dr. Pati was also not comfortable with the
idea of me appearing for any interview because of our intimacy.
But my wife had a little more intuitive sense and cajoled me to
proceed. Finally, I appeared in the selection interview in Agra

along with my intimate batch mate Dr. Kaptan Singh Sengar. It
was a good and satisfactory interview for me. There were two
vacancies; and both Dr. Kaptan and I were a bit optimistic that
both of us would get selected. I was in admin position in
Bhubaneswar and I did not want to have it again; so I got a
promise from Dr. Kaptan in the premises of Taj Mahal that if we
both got selected; he would join prior to me so that he becomes
senior and leads the clinical psychology unit in the Institute. I
returned back to Bhubaneswar after spending a few days with my
parents in my native place which is nearer to Agra.
After a few days; in Bhubaneswar, I received a phone call from Dr.
Kaptan in the night that only I was selected in the interview and
the second position was kept vacant. I had mixed feelings because
Dr. Kaptan needed this job much more than me. I received the
selection letter from Agra in December 1997, requiring me to join
within one month. It was a thrilling moment for Sandhya and me.
Since we already knew the result; we had already packed about
half of our luggage and commenced packaging of the remaining
material. There was a total shift in the attitude of Dr. Pati. He
supported me to join my new opportunity whole heartedly; and
offered to retain my lien in Chetana. I was really grateful to him
and his support. Finally, I joined Agra on 20th January 1998; the
peak winter season. I stayed in Youth Hostel for two days and
then shifted to the guest rooms of AMA and stayed there for about
one week and finally got a rented accommodation in Kailashpuri,
about 1.5 km away from AMA. I started living alone in a 1 BHK
residence. There was nothing much to do after the working hours.
I used to sleep for several hours; watch TV and do some
meditation. In this lifestyle, I used to get drawn to the memory of
the experiences of Sharmaji; and the mental images created by his
narrations kept on wavering in my visualizations.
Periodically, I used to bring this topic in my discussions with
Sharmaji while we were alone usually in the OPD of AMA. In the
course of discussions, I enquired about how did he go about it;
how could he make it out, what method had he adopted? In fact, I
was so driven by this experience that I wanted to have a similar

experience of accessing previous lives. He divulged his procedure
and revealed that “I sit in a meditative posture, keep my mind blank
and I actively keep on removing the content of consciousness, in this
process I begin to get glimpses and visualizations of my previous lives.”
It was as simple as that for him. I made up my mind to give this
method a try. I tried it more than once but could not get similar
results. In fact, I remained conscious and aware throughout the
process and kept on monitoring how it happens, which I later
came to know, were the barriers in regression process. Also I had
apprehensions and fears, that if it is successful what would
happen? How I would regulate and control the process? Was there
any possibility of a break down? This sort of apprehensions and
fears erected a strong barrier for me in directly experiencing the
self-regression. I was not as confident and comfortable with the
whole idea and the process. But my cognitive dissonance
continued to exist. It did not dissolve; and as promised I did not
share the information of Sharmaji with anyone else. This is the first
time; the information is being shared after a gap of thirteen years
and of course, with his consent. A promise that paved the way for


Initiation into the Power of Reiki Healing
On a summer night in early 1980s, there was coverage of a
program on National TV, Doordarshan about the advent of Reiki
technology to India. Two ladies were being shown who were
providing this powerful touch therapy for some kind of healing.
The client was lying in a supine posture and these ladies were
putting their palms over a few sites on his body in a sequence. The
anchor of the program was quite enthusiastic and reported that
this healing technology was being imported from Japan. After that
I did not have any further exposure to Reiki related activities for
several years. The impressions of this TV coverage remained
dormant and buried deep in my psyche.
The Reiki theme emerged on surface during discussions with one
of my doctoral student, Dr. Sunita Kandhari in the year 2000. I was
told that there was a method of distance Reiki too; in which a
person could be healed from a remote location through some kind
of Reiki symbols. The topic of Reiki recurred several times in the
discussions with her and other students. I was also impressed with
the success stories of Reiki. Dr. Sunita had learnt it and using it for
herself and for her mother. My imaginations got fueled and I
began to visualize that if I could acquire this healing power then I
could treat my psychiatric patients even from a distant location.
Mr. Akhilesh from Indore (M.P.) is a renowned Reiki Master and
travels widely across the globe to conduct his Reiki related
programs. He also conducts Reiki programs in Agra. Dr. Sunita
had learnt Reiki from him. I requested her to inform me the
schedule of the next program. After a couple of months I received
information from Dr. Sunita that there would be a program on 4-
5th December 2000. I immediately booked my seat.
It was a winter season. I reached at the venue in Grand Imperial
Hotel in Agra at 9.00 am. There were about 30 participants of
different backgrounds from professionals to housewives. Ours
was a Level-I program for two days and there was a parallel

program for Level-II in the adjacent room. We were given a
background of origin of Reiki that the Master Usui (15 August
1865 – 9 March 1926) of Japan got inspired from the ancient
methods of healing others through touch. He wanted to learn and
apply it; however, there was no teacher available to him for the
touch therapy. He himself resorted to a 21 days intensive and
rigorous meditation on a mountain. For 20 days, there was no gain
or revelation and he was getting frustrated. But with divine grace
on the very 21st day it was revealed to him. Upon revelation, he
descended to the planes and tried his newly acquired healing
power and got success. He became enthusiastic and trained others
on the principles and use of the Reiki. The word Reiki comprises
of two Japanese words Rei and Ki. Rei means God's Wisdom or
the Higher Power and Ki is the life force energy.
We were taught that in Reiki, the healing is done through the
universal cosmic healing energy drawn by the healer from the
cosmos and transmitted through his/her hands to the client. This
healing energy supplements and re-vitalizes the weak and
depleted energy of the client which sets the healing path. A Grand
Master has to enable a person to draw this universal energy from
the cosmos so that he can become a channel or healer. For enabling
us, we were asked to keep both our hands in a defined posture
over chest and head. We were required to enter a room one by one
where a photo of Master Usui was kept on a table. Mr. Akhilesh
asked us to keep the eyes closed inside the room. He performed
some actions like hitting a point on the head, making sound of
some object and may be reciting something. It took one or two
minutes for a person to get initiated into this healing method. This
kind of ritual is a must for getting initiated into the Reiki.
We were told about the target sites over the body like forehead,
chest, abdomen etc. for Reiki transmission. Heart was prohibited.
Reiki can be used for healing oneself and the others. A Reiki healer
of the first level is required to keep both his palms over the target
body sites for about 2-3 minutes each while keeping his/her eyes
closed and visualize that a cosmic energy is traveling through
his/her hands to the target body sites; the arms become the

channel for energy transmission. In case of opposite gender or any
problem over the target sites, the palm should not physically
touch the other person but should be kept 2-3 inches above the
target body sites. The participants were paired and asked to give
Reiki to each other. A manual was also provided to us giving
indications and usage of Reiki in different psychological and
physical disorders.
A method of aura cleaning was also taught to us. Aura is an
electro-magnetic field surrounding the body of a person. It is said
that it can get polluted with negative energy, become weak and
penetrable to negative forces from the outside. We were told that a
Kirlian camera can capture the aura of a person and one can see
the baseline and post healing changes in aura and even Reiki
energized hands.
In the combing method of aura cleaning, a vessel with salty water
is kept besides the client. The healer makes combing actions over
the body and as if collecting something from the vacuum and
throws in the vessel. The negative aura energy is transferred to the
vessel which is then disposed of safely on defined locations like
disposal of a biomedical waste. It is the aura of a person that can
give early warning signs of an impending illness. A chronic illness
sets in initially at a subtle level which gradually permeates the
aura and then gets physically concretized in the body. If one can
investigate it scientifically and develop scientific gadgets for
detection of aura changes towards illness, then it may prove to be
one of the best primary prevention approaches in some cases.
The application of Reiki by a healer requires continuous practice
on oneself. For progression to the next level a criteria of 21 days
application on oneself was recommended. All the participants
were absorbed in the wonderful teachings of Mr. Akhilesh.
Anyone can sense the radiant and vibrant energies flowing
through him. Lots of positive and healing affirmations were
communicated to the participants. The workshop was filled with
lots of ‘how to’ aspects of Reiki and visualization exercises. I
remember at least two visualization exercises and both are good.
These exercises can be done both at individual and group level. I
am presenting the exercises modified by my own experiences in
these years.
Divine White Light Visualization-I:
Sit comfortably… allow the tightness of muscles to get released…
close your eyes … take a few deep breathes and let all the tightness
in muscles and body fade away … feel and visualize that a divine
white light is descending from the sky… this white light is full of
divine powers and you are being enveloped by this divine healing
light… this divine light is penetrating in each and every particle of
your body and mind…. look with your mind’s eyes… everywhere
inside and outside your body, you see only this white light… you
are having a spiritual shower right now… you are being super
charged with the divine and spiritual healing energy of the
cosmos… gradually this white light is spreading away from you…
the divine white light is embracing each and every person present
in this room….the room is completely filled with the divine white
light… now this divine white light is spreading even further and
permeating the boundaries of this room and embracing the entire
building… look into the white light with your mind’s eyes… it is
expanding more and more and covering the entire city …..
everywhere you see only this divine white light… now picture a
globe in your mind’s eyes and see the entire country and the globe
are filled with this divine white light… everything is being
charged spiritually… feel the lightness in your body and mind…
allow this lightness and spiritual nourishment to get fully
absorbed in each and every cell of your body… now allow your
mind to come out of this extremely powerful spiritual
experience…. take your time… when feel prepared…. just come
out of it 100% with freshness and vibrant energy….

Golden Ball Visualization-II:

Sit comfortably… allow the tightness of muscles to get released…
close your eyes … take a few deep breathes and let all the tightness
in muscles and body fade away … feel and visualize that a divine
golden ball is descending from the cosmos and coming towards
you … feel and visualize the presence of this divine golden ball a
few inches above the top of your head… this golden ball is
entering your head through the crown chakra …. feel its presence
and the illumination inside your brain… now it is descending

down to the third eye chakra… feel its presence and the divine
illumination in your third eye chakra… still more down to throat
chakra… feel the presence of golden ball and the bright and
soothing spiritual illumination…. descending down to heart
chakra… see the divine golden ball is harmonizing heart chakra…
allow your brain to absorb this spiritual energy and feelings…
golden ball is moving down to the solar plexus chakra… spreading
its vibrant spiritual energy in your solar plexus… still more down
to sacral chakra… feel the divine presence through this golden
ball…and finally to your root chakra… allow the root chakra to get
harmonized through the divine energy of this golden ball…allow
your body and mind to absorb the spiritual energy and free flow
of the divinity from top to bottom through the path taken by the
golden ball… now it’s time to get back to the current time… get
prepared and come out of this powerful divine experience 100% …
take your time…

The two days’ workshop ended with a pleasant experience of the

participants. We were reminded to practice the Reiki on oneself
for 21 days and present for the next level for advancements in the
healing system. I tried to integrate this healing into my system; but
I could not adhere to the prescribed regime because of my inertia.
I continued to receive announcements for next level programs but
could not pay close attention to the details. In the announcements;
there used to be a flyer for workshop titled “Enlightenment
Intensive”. This is a residential workshop conducted in Indore and
may be in other cities too. There was a mention of past life
regression in his announcements. I was not getting inspired and
motivated to contemplate on this method of “Past Life
Regression”. The announcements went away mostly unnoticed. At
that time I did not know what lie ahead in my path and that there
will be a U turn in my life for Past Life Regression.


Five Star Reviews of the Book on Amazon:
Sourav Mishra: One of the most comprehensive book covering
all the aspects of past life regression therapy. A must read for
everyone. The author of the book is a well renowned
psychologist and has compiled all his experiences in this field
with a unbiased, non-judgmental and logical views. This is a
100% unadulterated book on this topic and simply good to read.

Shraddha Tripathi: Just wow.... A wonderful book on Past life

Regression.. It's as easy as study notes... and as deep as Ocean...
Highly recommend to everyone either learner or Practitioner or
Inquisitor of Past life Regression.

Atul Vajpeyi: Must read book for ever one especially for those
who have interest in topic. It is wonderfully written and delivers
the most powerful information in the simplest form which is
very easy to “connect to”. I absolutely recommend this book.
The book is a MUST HAVE.

Rahul: A must read book whoever has little bit interest in past
life, reincarnation etc. well worded book will keep you bounded
till the end. It elaborated the subject so extensively that it will be
a great help to many.

Sarika Kumar: The best book I came across on Past life technical language, easy to follow. An All-in one
book covering every aspect of Past life Regression. A Complete
guide to practitioners who can always be guided through this
book. Every single and smallest aspect of Past life Regression
covered in most interesting manner. A truly engrossing book
with best techniques which makes you feel confident as a
practioner. The author has liberally shared his techniques and
discussed Spirit Release Therapy and Remote Healing in crisp
and clear manner. This book is a must have for all Past Life
Practicers not just in India but abroad too.

Amazon Customer: Author has done wonderful job. I could
understand past life regression more clearly than ever before. A
must read for generally everyone and then decide your
orientation, I bet most people, after reading this book will agree
to idea or reality of past life.

Dr. Agarwal: Irresistible. Priceless. Lucid. The author has very

genuinely painted picture of his own experiences in the field of
past life regression and hypnotherapy. There is simply no
pretension. It is an absolutely honest narration of how his
concepts and methods evolved through the years studded with
case studies. There is a wealth of original techniques developed
by him. The book in itself is a testimonial to his sincere and
dedicated efforts in not only healing the clients but also
equipping and empowering the practioners in this wonderful art
of healing. I highly recommend it to everyone interested in this
area. Some things about the book. Why I was very comfortable
with the ideas was. One: I already told you no technical jargon,
simple, layman language. Two: nowhere it is claimed that it is
scientifically proven or that the author believes them to be true.
Three: I was impressed with the idea that the ultimate purpose is
nothing but to heal. This idea was welcomed by my holistic
approach based mind. I was a bit scared when the SRT chapter
started. And my premise was that you yourself believe that such
things do exist. But near the end of the chapter, it was cleared.
You clearly stated that there is insufficient scientific evidence as
of now. And that it is not clear how this works. So, it is kept
open for the reader to decide. That was appealing. No claims or
impositions. The verbatim techniques gave a feel of live demo.

Dr. Sanjeev Arora: Rakesh jain sir. I got kindle edition as here in
Dubai it was easier to get it as we can get kindle edition within
seconds in our device and as I was badly impatient to read it. Sir
after reading half of the book, I am in a position that I have no

words to express my gratitude. While narrating ur stories only; u
have nicely and elaborately covered all the things and secrets in
the easiest way possible. No part; I feel is left unturned. All
queries you have answered already. Not simply mentioning the
techniques, you have finely described and explained all
techniques so nicely so as to enable us understand it ; absorb it
and do the things ourselves with confidence. I feel more
confident and more versed with the subject and find it most
practical application book. It's a great read; a unique book I have
ever read and a precious treasure for me. Feel like reading it
again and again. Sir; a real teacher and master I am indebted.
God bless you. Thanks sir.

Renu Rathee: The book is very interesting...couldn't stop myself

to read in one go.

Reader: Finally, I have the opportunity to read this exciting book

on past life regression both as Kindle book and Print copy. It was
a pleasant surprise and moments of wonder to realize that just
by getting naturally absorbed in this book I could learn about so
many real experiences of past life regression and the practical
and specific techniques of hypnosis and past life regression
which are described very meticulously. I never knew that the
book would be filled with so many thrilling experiences and
coverage of almost all areas of past life regression. I could not
resist myself from stopping to read it in one go. I began and
came to an end of reading. The time just flied. What a trance like
experience. Then I checked the web, is it only me who was
having such an experience. I was amazed and went speechless
when I found that others were also having exactly the similar
kind of reading experience. I strongly felt that I must share my
experiences with the world so that any person interested to have
a reading feast, could consider to add this book in their 'want to
read' or 'must read' books.

About Dr. Rakesh Jain:

Dr. Rakesh Jain, Senior Clinical Psychologist, Institute of Mental

Health and Hospital, Agra (India); was introduced to the field of
Past Life Regression in 2002 through the work of Dr. Brian
Weiss. Since then he is actively involved in performing past life
regressions, making innovations in the procedures of accessing
past lives and supporting the therapists through his expertise.
He delivers thought provoking demonstration lectures and
conducts workshops on hypnosis and past life regression in
universities, colleges, institutions and spiritual forums.
In this volume, he is sharing all his innovations to date and the
case studies with an objective to demystify the whole field of
enquiry and to elucidate how past life regression can have
potentials to heal the human ailments.
Any person interested in hypnosis and past life regression shall
have a series of ‘ah’ experiences and feel the joy of the simple
and effective techniques and would get tempted to integrate
many of them into his/her practice of hypnosis and past life
There is a section on self-regression which would make it an
easy task for any person to devise one’s own self-hypnosis
program and derive benefits from this powerful approach. A
user’s guide would give a comprehensive idea to a person who
is contemplating to have a personal and direct experience of past
life regression for any issue of one’s life.

A recommended reading for the persons with pro mindset,

skeptics, users, medical practitioners, psychologists,
counselors, past life therapists, professionals, spiritual
healers, Reiki masters, pranic healers, psychics, alternative
therapists and any person interested in the field of hypnosis,
past life regression and reincarnation.

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June 13, 2016

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