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If we're gathered here today my friends, it's to denounce something, it's to

denounce an issue that grows everyday, that makes suffering thousand people
everyday, at their work, in the street, anywhere. These people are offended for

This person, offended in the street or at his work, it can be you, or you, or
maybe you, it can be me! If we're gathered here it's to denounce the inequality of
everyone in what we dare call a modern society. If we're gathered here today, it's
to denounce racism. 

And not only to denounce it, we are going to be more intelligent than racists, we
won't say anything bad about them, we're not here to do as they do, we're here to
show them that the way they think is the wrong way, to show them the road of
They are victims of unconsciousness, victims of their credulity, victims of their

We are fighting against this inequality today because all men were created
equal, and that a man that thinks the contrary didn't understand something in his

This thing is to learn to live with the other whatever the color of his skin,
whatever where he comes from, whatever what we think about him. 

Even today there is still a lot of discrimination, and every person who is pointed
out as being "different" should not be convinced that it is a "difference", because
it is absolutely not!

Difference is a strength and a richness.

Every human being should have the right to walk free and equal to others
without fear of feeling different because among the seven billion people on this
planet no one is the same.

Fortunately, mentalities have changed and today's society is moving forward,

but we must not slacken our efforts and I invite you to remember this message
of peace to share it. I hope that the cause will continue to advance!
it is on the right track!

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