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1. It is a sunny day and you are in the park with your family (see the picture). You are
observing your relatives' activities and the clothes they are wearing. Write a text
reporting what you are watching. You should:

 Choose at least 10 of the actions you are observing.

 Write what your relatives are doing.
 Describe what they are wearing.
 Give enough details.
 Use punctuation marks.

Sunday is the special day with family. It is a sunny day and we are meeting in the park.
family and if it is sunny, the meeting place is the park.
Miguel is my father. He is wearing a blue T-shirt and he is drawing our family.
my cousin is Luis, he is wearing a green shirt and his girlfriend Martha is wearing
purple pants. They are creating a new song with the guitar.
my brother Carlos is enjoying a picnic. My cousin Javier is wearing a blue and white
sports suit. He is running.
Daniel is the family’s policeman. He is playing with his dog. The little kids are wearing pink
dresses and gray pants. They are playing with the ball. Mario, my older brother is
swimming with the ducks, my Grandma Aura is wearing a green sweater and Grandma
Cecilia is wearing a blue sweater. She is sitingt on the bench to remember old times, Aunt
Mary is wearing a pink sweater is in charge of distributing the sweets and I am sitting in
the middle of everyone, with my white shirt and my computer writing this story.

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