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Te󰈀c󰈊󰈏󰈞g S󰉃󰈹at󰈩󰈇󰉙:

Con󰇹󰈩󰈦t M󰇽󰈥󰈼

Morgan Brown, Alec Savage and Annie Gbaford

Wha󰉃 󰈎󰈼 󰇽 co󰈝󰇸󰈩p󰉃 󰈛󰇽p?
Con󰇹󰈩󰈦t M󰇽󰈥
● Visual organizer that can improve a
students understanding of new
Wh󰉘 U󰈼e C󰈡n󰇹󰇵󰈦t Ma󰈥󰈼?

Hel󰈥󰈼 s󰉃u󰇶󰈩n󰉃󰈼 Mak󰈩 󰈚󰇵a󰈞󰈎n󰈇󰇿󰉊l Eas󰉘 󰉄󰈡

co󰈝󰈞󰈩c󰉃󰈏o󰈞s 󰇼󰈩󰉄w󰇵e󰈝
or󰈇󰈀󰈞󰈏ze t󰈊e 󰈛󰈀󰈏n i󰇷󰈩󰇽 a󰈞d 󰈡󰉃󰈋󰇵r co󰈝󰈼t󰈸󰉉󰇸t
in󰇾󰈡󰈹m󰇽󰉃i󰈡󰈞 an󰇷 󰈡󰉄h󰇵󰈸 i󰈞f󰈡󰈸󰈛󰇽ti󰈡󰈝
How 󰉃󰈡 U󰈼󰇵 a C󰈡n󰇹󰇵󰈦t Ma󰈥
1. Find a topic to explore.

2. Come up with topics related to

your main topic.

3. Find multiple topics related to

your second topic.

4. Examine your concept map.

It’s Your turn to create your own concept map!

1. Go to Jam Board and find your

assigned group
2. Focus on a winter topic for your
main idea (your middle square)
3. Expand your map with
supporting ideas (outer squares)
4. If you finish early, draw pictures
representing each square
5. Be ready to share!
Let󰈻 󰈠󰈋󰈀r󰇵 o󰉉󰈸 󰉓󰈢r󰈔!
Ot󰈊e󰈹 W󰈀y󰈻 󰇳󰈢u 󰉎󰈀n U󰈻󰇵 Co󰈞c󰈩󰈥󰉄 M󰇽p󰈻

Wri󰉃󰈎󰈞g Sci󰈩󰈝󰇸󰇵
Concept maps can be used Concept maps can be
for brainstorming and used to connect ideas
planning out ideas in from separate topics.
Reading Rockets:

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