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Nama: Frisca Risvia Nur Aziz


How to report what people said

Idiom adalah serangkaian kata yang artinya tidak bisa diartikan secara harafiah, namun
mewakilkan ekspresi tertentu yang tersirat di dalamnya.


Ali: Hey, did you hear the news lately?

Rudi: What’s the matter?

Ali: In the shop house across yesterday there was a robbery.

Rudi: Reallya? That’s terrible! And what happened next?

Ali: I heard all the valuables things are carried away, but luckily the owner wasn’t there so they
were save and there were no fatalities.

Rudi: Thank God, but how could that happened huh?

Ali: I guess the suspect are insiders, since all the system have been turned off.

Rudi: Has the perpetrator been caught?

Ali: Yes the perpetrator was caught red-handed.

Rudi: I hope the perpetrator will be punished immediately for his actions.

Kata yang bercetak tebal yaitu kalimat idiom/kiasan caught red-handed artinya tertangkap
basah maksudnya tertangkap ketika sedang melakukan perbuatan tersebut.
Contoh kalimat idiom:

the robber did not want to raise his hand

Idiom:Raise his hand

Artinya:Angkat tangan

Maksudnya:Semua kesulitan hidup ini tidak akan membuat saya mengangkat tangan.

kidnapping cases take a lot of time

Idiom:A lot of time

Artinya:Makan waktu

Maksudnya: membuang buang waktu.

The perpetrator finally opened his voice about the crime he had committed.

Idiom:Opened his voice

Artinya: Buka suara

Maksudnya:bunyi yang dikeluarkan dari mulut manusia

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