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Agnes Monica_2540122445

Modern World History-Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military, political leader and also emperor who became
famous after the French Revolution. Napoleon ruled France and succeeded as general plus his
troops are also loyal to him. Napoleon feels he has devoted his whole life, talent and energy to
win and keeping france inside and out. France in his control, he brought to amount of
achievements, among them, he won againts Austria in the battle of Marengo in 1800, signed a
peace pact with England through the Amiens Treaty in 1802-1803, until won against Russia in
the battle of Austerlitz in 1805.
Meanwhile in the country, Napoleon carry out government by broadening property laws,
legalize divorce, improve the education system as well as establish the Napoleonic code which
contain : “Established equality before the law and secured right to property”. Napoleon amended
the constitution and made himself valid as consul for life. napoleon is practically unstoppable, so
that in 1804, he crowned himself a Emperor of France. Because of that, Embedded emperor
status betrays the revolution which make him become a dictator.

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