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Case Study

Question-1: In what order would you deal with these situation ?

Answer: This means that you set aside any feelings you might have that the
situation isn't your fault, or that your client has made a mistake, or that they
are giving you unfair criticism .
All that matters is that you realize that your customer or client is upset, and that it's
up to you to solve the problem. Adjust your mindset so that you're giving 100
percent of your focus to your client, and to the current situation.
Once they've had time to explain why they're upset, repeat their concerns so you're
sure that you're addressing the right issue. If you need to, ask questions to make
sure that you've identified the problem correctly.
Repeating the problem shows the customer you were listening, which can help
lower anger and stress levels. More than this, it helps you agree on the problem
that needs to be solved.
Question-2: Explain why you made the decision to establish the priorities the way
you did.
Answer: Do I struggle to get things done because everything feels important.
There’s not enough time in the day to do it all, right? If you silently said yes in
your head, you probably don’t have a clear idea of what your priorities are.
Without clear priorities, it’s difficult to manage your time and make progress on
your goals. You might even be overwhelming yourself by trying to take on too
many responsibilities.
The truth is that our ability to move forward and accomplish our goals often
depends on what we decide to prioritize. Once you’re clear on your priorities,
you’ll be able to make better and quicker decisions that guide your life choices.
If you’re struggling to define your top priorities in life, I’ve created a simple
exercise to help you get clear on what’s important. Plus, I’ll show you the quick
and easy diagram I use to define my priorities so you can do it too!

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