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Healing Step 3: Vegetables

Make a list of your favorite vegetables below. Here are some that may appeal to
you to get you started:!
Potato! Pumpkin! Turnip!
Sweet potato! Celery! Garlic !
Broccoli! Leek! Mushroom!
Cauliflower! Radish! Cabbage!
Asparagus! Parsnip! Onion 

Note: due to GMO technology affecting the safety of corn, it’s best to avoid it.!

The Healing Path - Step 3: Vegetables

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Do you eat some of your favorite vegetables every day? A few times a day?!
Just like fruits and leafy greens, it’s important to eat vegetables every day. !
There are many ways you can include them, for example:!
• Raw vegetable salads. Try a combination of all your favorite salad veggies,
avocado or tahini, and a squeeze of citrus juice, or any salad combination you

• Vegetable soups like pumpkin, cauliflower, potato and leek, sweet potato, and

• Raw vegetable crudités with a great dip like fresh tomato or mango salsa,
guacamole, hummus, tahini, etc!

• Steamed, sautéed or baked vegetables of any variety, with fresh and dried
herbs and garlic for seasoning!

• Crunchy celery sticks as a snack along with fruit !

• Raw cauliflower or parsnip rice made by pulsing these vegetables in a food
processor until they resemble rice. Add other vegetables and a dressing for a
mock rice salad !

• Blanched vegetables like asparagus, broccoli and cauliflower !

• Baked root vegetable fries made with potato, sweet potato, parsnip, turnip,
carrot, etc!

The Healing Path - Step 3: Vegetables

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• Vegetable mash with any vegetable you like. There’s classic potato, sweet
potato, carrot, parsnip, turnip, broccoli, cauliflower, leek, onion, pumpkin,
asparagus, and many more options. Try one or many vegetables, add some
sea salt and black pepper, and any herbs or spices you like. Or make a sweet
mash with sweet potato, cinnamon and a drizzle of raw honey!

• Vegetables juices of any combination. Straight celery juice on an empty

stomach in the morning is especially beneficial!

• Serve salad or cooked vegetables in red cabbage leaves as a ‘taco shell’ for
crunch and nutrients!

• Partly cooked vegetable salads like potato salad, baked vegetable salads
mixed with greens, and big salads with some steamed or blanched
vegetables tossed through!

• Make mushroom gravy with mushrooms, onions, garlic and spices. See the
recipe in The Healing Path recipe booklet!

• Stuffed baked pumpkins, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, zucchinis,

eggplants, and more!

You can also make any of the recipes with vegetables in The Healing Path
Recipe Booklet. !

The Healing Path - Step 3: Vegetables

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Healing Exercise:
How Grounded Are You?
Vegetables provide the foundation for us to feel grounded. When we are
grounded we feel more balanced, clear, strong, and better equipped to tackle
whatever life throws at us. This is especially important when your goal is to heal.!
Eating one hearty salad a day is enough to give you the grounding and healing
benefits of vegetables. Having two salads a day will amplify the benefits even
Your exercise for Step 3 of The Healing Path is to find ways to get vegetables
into your diet twice a day. A fresh salad with raw vegetables or raw vegetable
crudités is a perfect option for one or both of these times. The other could be
some simple steamed vegetables or any of the options above. Your exercise for
this week is to make this commitment and follow through. !
If time or your health are limiting, you can chop raw vegetables and keep them
in the fridge so they’re ready to eat anytime. Or you can make large pots of soup
or steamed vegetables and also keep these in the fridge for a few days. Heating
them up in a pot versus a microwave is best for your health. !


The Healing Path - Step 3: Vegetables

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