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BIOL 1120


1) Describe the function of Hemoglobin.

A Hemoglobin molecule consists of 4 heme and 4 globin molecules. The heme molecules
transports O2, and the globin molecules transport CO2 and Nitric Oxide. Iron is required
for O2 transport. The endothelial cells lining the blood vessels produce the Nitric Oxide.
When O2 is released in tissues, so is the Nitric Oxide, which functions as a chemical
messenger that induces the relaxation of the smooth muscle of the blood. By affecting the
amount of Nitric Oxide in the tissues, hemoglobin may play a role in regulating blood
pressure bc the relaxation of blood vessels results in decreased blood pressure

2) Describe the Life Span of an Eyrthrocyte. How are red blood cells removed from
the body?

The process by which new red blood cells are produces is called erythropoiesis, and the
time required to produce a single red blood cell is about 4 days. Stem cells in red bone
marrow give rise to proerythroblasts. After several mitotic division proerythroblasts
become early (basophilic) erythroblasts. Early (basophilic) erythroblasts give rise the
intermediate (polychromatic) erythroblasts. Intermediate Erythroblasts continue to
produce hemoglobin and most of their ribosomes and other organelles degenerate
resulting in late erythroblasts that are reddish in color bc 1/3 of their cytoplasm is
hemoglobin. Late Erythroblasts lose their nuclei by a process of extrusion to become
immature red blood cells called Reticulocytes. These cells reticulum, or network, can be
observed in the cytoplasm. Reticulocytes are released from the bone marrow into the
circulating blood. With in 2 days, the ribosomes in the cells degenerate and the
reticulocytes become mature red blood cells.

Red blood cells production is stimulated by low blood O2, which typically results from
decreased numbers of red blood cells, decreased or defective hemoglobin, disease of the
lungs, high altitude, inability of the cardio system to deliver blood to tissues and
increased tissue demand for O2 – ie: during endurance exercise.

Low blood O2 levels stimulate red blood cell production by increasing the formation of
the glycoprotein erythropoietin (hormone produced mostly by Kidneys). Erythropoietin
stimulates red bone marrow to produce more red blood cells by increasing the number of

Blood O2 Levels Decrease  Erythropoietin Production Increases  Increasing Red

Blood Cells Production  the greater # of red blood cells increases the blood’s ability to
transport O2
Red blood cells stay in circulation for ~120 days. These cells have no nuclei and
therefore can’t produce new proteins or divide. As their existing proteins, enzymes,
plasma membrane components, and other structures degenerate, the red blood cells are
less able to transport O2 and their plasma membranes become more fragile and
eventually the red blood cells rupture. Hemoglobin from ruptured blood cells is
phagocytized by Macrophages in the spleen, liver and other lymphatic tissue. Enzymes
digest the hemoglobin to yield amino acids, iron and bilirubin. The heme becomes
bilirubin which is secreted in bile.

3) Outline the procedure of Hemostasis.

Hemostasis is the stoppage of bleeding and is very important to the maintenance of

homeostasis. When a vessel is damaged, a series of events helps prevent excessive blood
1. Vascular Spasm: vacoconstriction of damaged blood vessels reduces blood loss

2. Platelet Plug Formation

a. Platelets repair minor damage to vessels by forming platelet plugs
i. Platelet Adhesion: platelets bind to collagen in damaged tissues
ii. Platelet Release Reaction: platelets release chemicals that activate
additional platelets
iii. Platelet Aggregation: platelets bind to one another to form a
platelet ring
iv. Platelets also release chemicals involved with coagulation

3. Coagulation: formation of a blood clot

a. Extrinsic Pathway: release of thromboplastin from damaged tissues
i. Also known as TF (tissue factor), or factor III
ii. TF in the presence of Ca forms a complex with factor VII that
activates factor X, which is the beginning of a common pathway
b. Intrinsic Pathway: begins with the activation of factor XII
i. Activated XII, stimulates factor XI, which activates factor IX
which joins to factor VII, platelet phospholipids, and Ca to
activate facto X, which is the beginning of the common pathway
c. Activated factor X, factor V, phospholipids and Ca form
d. Prothrombin is converted to thrombin by Prothrombinase
e. Fibrinogen is converted to fibrin by thrombin
i. Insoluble fibrin forms the clot

4. Control of Clot Formation

a. Heparin and antithrombin inhibit thrombin activity
i. Thus, fibrinogen is not converted to fibrin and clot formation is
b. Prostacyclin counteracts the effects of thrombin
5. Clot Retraction and Dissolution
a. Clot Retraction: results from the contraction of platelets, which pull the
edges of damaged tissue closer together
b. Serum: plasma minus fibrinogen and some clotting factors is squeezed
out of the clot
c. Factor XII, thrombin, tissue plasminogen activator, and urokinase
activate plasmin, which dissolves fibrin (the clot)

4) A laboratory test of a patient’s blood reveals a hematocrit of 15%. Microscopic

examination of the blood also reveals several distorted and ruptured red blood cells.
In addition, the reticulocyte count is 2%. Based on all of these findings, from what
disorder do you think the patient is suffering?

Hematocrit is the percentage of the total blood volume that is composed of red blood
cells. In males this is usually 40-54% and 38-47% in females. Anemia is a deficiency of
hemoglobin in the blood. A 15% hematocrit rate is extremely low and points towards
Anemia. Hemolytic Anemia occurs when red blood cells rupture or is destroyed at an
excessive rate. Because of the rapid destruction of red blood cells we would expect
erythropoiesis to increase in an attempt to replace lost red blood cells. The reticulocyte
count would there fore be above normal (1-3% is normal); however, this patient’s
reticulocyte count is normal at 2%.

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