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Ethics is _____________________

The Philosophy of Life

Which of the following statements is NOT true

Ethics is innate

Interpretation of Ethical behavior is relative and subjective


Understanding of ethics has not changed despite the evolvement of time


What affects the mental development of humans?

Quality of Life

Human Ethics are clouded by man's self-interest that interpretation to law and order


When a person acts with full knowledge and complete freedom - we are fully aware of what
we are doing

Perfect Voluntariness

Free will is present and inherent in men


It is the disposition of a person doing the activity regardless to his liking or not, this may be
positive or negative. The former is by making him to do something while the other is to
prevent or stop him from doing things.

Simple Voluntariness

_______________is under the control of the intellect and will is answerable to such actions

Voluntary Act

It is the situation when the person was forced by circumstances or under duress which he
would not do under normal circumstances. Example is being extorted money by a
neighborhood toughie in exchange for his "protection".

Conditional Voluntariness
_______________is the latin word that means the power or ability to discern


Which of the following is NOT the basis of human actions?

People who experienced temporary insanity are not responsible for their actions

What is the distinct characteristic of man compared to animals?


Morality is observed and present ONLY in humans


When a person acts without full understanding and no freedom, we are made to perform
acts we did not like.

Imperfect Voluntariness

Thinking and doing are separate human behavior and does not go hand in hand


Which of the folliwng is NOT true about human acts

Humans acts innately aimed at doing good

The need for material wealth is inherent in man


Man has an insatiable greed for power and wealth


_______________ is the science of right thinking


A branch of science that deals with the study of society as well as the social order that
regulates the society as a whole

_________________is the quality of goodness or badness in a human act. In this case, we base
judgement on any human act based on its ethicality


A branch of science that explains the cause of human actions, whether psychological or


Which of the following is NOT the purpose of Art

Present a solution and correct human's ethical behavior

A person follows laws based on ethical principles. Laws that run counter to principles are

Stage 6: Morality of an Individual Principle and Conscience

People stick to the rules to avoid punishment

Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation

A level of moral reasoning where people approach problems as members of society and
would like to be a role model.

Conventional Morality

A level of moral reasoning where the concrete interests of an individual is merely rewards
and punishment.

Pre Conventionl Morality

People do what is right as a sense of obligation to law and society, however they can be

Stage 5: Morality of Rights and Laws

___________________is an action situation in which an individual must decide on his own even
if it is against the socially accepted norms.

Social Dilemma

People conform to what is right in a society.

Stage 4: Authority and Social

Proposed the idea on the sequence of moral reasoning

Lawrence Kohlberg

Individuals show an interest in maintaining the respect of others and is doing what is
expected of them.

Stage 3: Good Boy Morality

Rules are followed only for its benefits. Obedience occurred because of the rewards. It
means that the doer is only after what can he gain from the actions he perform or did not

Stage 2: Reward Orientation

___________________ are distinctive feeling distinguished from reasoning or knowledge.


Accidental values are preferred over essential values


A qualification of human act is that decisions are made and coerced because of outside


A qualification of human act is that a person is fully be aware of what he/she is doing or
what he/she will do


___________________ is a trait or quality that is deemed to be morally good and thus is valued
as a foundation of principle and good moral being.


___________________ is an intense feeling of deep affection that is also a drive but does not
necessarily have to be reciprocated are distinctive feeling distinguished from reasoning or


A qualification of human act is the absence of innate free will and freedom of choice.

Moral values oftentimes are based on the ones favored by the majority


Moral values are paramount and lasting


___________________is defined as an emotional state or reaction


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