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Why Women Stay in Abusive

There are some intriguing questions why battered women still
stay in spite of the abusive relationships.

Some women who have been in terror because of terrifying

relationship say it isn’t that easy because of the children, the financial
and emotional bonds are difficult to break.

One battered wife said “ I know when I took my marriage vows

Many abusers can be charming, and abused women often fall in
live with their softer sides.

After the battering, the abuser listen to his partner, pays

attention, buy flowers and become the ideal guy.

“Whom God hath put together, lets no man put asunder.”

This expression comes from the Bible, and appears in Matthew 19:6: So they are no longer two, but one
flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
Another reason is that a woman that loves her partner very
much believes that his behavior will change

A related problem is that abused women and their families often

have nowhere to go (Mchugh, et al. 1993)

Furthermore, there is ample evidence that trying to live in an

abusive relationships may participate brutal attacks or murder.
The repeated cycles wear women down until some are
psychically and mentally exhausted that leaving the man is
almost impossible. The man gradually and eventually
control of the women’s psyche and destroys her ability to
think clearly “ You can’t underestimate the terror and
brainwashing that takes in battering relationships” She
really comes to believe that she deserves the abuse.
Violence against women isn’t cultural, it’s
criminal. Equality cannot come eventually, It’s
something we must fight for now. -Samantha
Agencies that Protect Women from Violence
Kababaihan Laban sa Karahasan (kalakasan)
• Catholic Women’s League
• Philippine Red Cross Social Services
• Public Attorney’s Office Women’s Desk
• PNP Women and Children Protection Center
• Philippine Commission on Women
• Kilusan ng mga Kababaihan Laban sa Karahasan - KKK
Potential Wife Beater
The Kalakasan foundation a Women’s NGO’s believes that
violence against women are deep and widespread. The best way to
deal with this problem is to inform young women of the rights to be

Here are some pieces of advice on how a potential women

beater. While it has been said that abusive men are weak and have a
sign of immaturity, KALAKASAN enumerates the men who possess any
of these traits

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