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Cover page

Title of assignment Final assignment

Tutor Name Bram Schmitz
Course Title Skills
Student Name Alberto Mario Pertuz
Academic Year 21-22
Number of Words 587
Being a successful student is not easy, it requires a lot of effort and dedication. I had the
opportunity to graduate with honors from my high school and since my university life is
about to start reviewing the keys that helped me in high school and what I have learnt in
this course becomes essential. If you want to have a successful student life, your studies
must become a priority. When you start your homework and other academic activities,
keep distractions away. Turn off your mobile phone and focus on that moment. It is also
worth mentioning that organization is the most important thing at school and university.
Keeping your notebooks, handouts, readings, etc. in order is essential. The use of a
timetable is very useful for remembering homework and assignments. Paying attention
during a tutorial or lecture is essential, but to fully understand a subject, finding the
right way to study the subject is the best possible advice. Summarizing topics, using
mind maps, having group study sessions, flashcards, among others, are some of the
techniques you could use to study. If you are a student, you will probably need reading
as your ally. If you do not consider yourself a reader yet, it is time to start. You can start
with Textbooks that are not so complex, but preferably related to the academic field.
Remember that when you read, your vocabulary increases, and your brain will start to
process information in a more agile and effective way. Academic demands can lead to
stress, and you will have to learn to work under pressure. Although initially stress is
normal and can be helpful, as it helps us to activate ourselves to be able to respond to
the demands of the environment, over time our body and mind become exhausted and
end up in a burnout phase which decreases academic performance. Some of the
strategies that help to cope with the manifestations in the burnout phase are: a healthy
diet, engaging in sports or recreational activities, spending time on hobbies, maintaining
stable sleep cycles, seeking help if necessary, Practicing relaxation and deep breathing.
Avoiding procrastination is key to finding a balance between relaxation and study. Do
not wait until the last minute to do your academic duties. Do your assignments, essays,
projects as soon as you know the deadline, finishing these assignments with time to
spare will allow you to be relaxed when the deadline approaches.
We must remember that we live in extraordinary times, virtual education can become a
challenge for many students who do not handle technology effectively and virtually
impossible if you are not familiar with programs such as Office365. If a student does
not feel able to cope with virtual education, taking courses in Word, PowerPoint and
Excel can be useful, but a well-functioning computer and a good internet connection are
necessary. In general, I feel that both modalities share some challenges such as exams,
homework, and projects among others so the advice which I mentioned earlier can also
be vital. Finally, there is one challenge that all students will have to overcome during
their time at the university: plagiarism. Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone
else's ideas and passing them off as one's own, but it can be committed even
unconsciously. This is due to poor organization of the bibliography we have collected
for a paper can count as plagiarism. That is why we must always take the source data
clearly and carefully transcribe them well and of course cite them correctly.

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