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Ideology Semiotic Code and Narrative Analysis

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Ideology Semiotic Code and Narrative Analysis
The underlying textual analysis of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is mainly dependent on
the corresponding episode within the Season 1, Episode 6 known as "Mistaken Identity", which
was directed by Jeff Melman and thereafter aired in October 15, 1990. Te prevailing episode
mainly concerns the protagonist character accompanied by his cousin Carlton (Bignell, 2002).
Whereas Philip and Vivian go to a trip to the Palm Springs within Mr. Furth’s helicopter, Will
and Carlton drive Furth's Mercedes, where they were stopped by the White policemen. While
they were struggling to find their way, Carlton’s car is slowing down to the corresponding 2
MPH thereby attracting the attention of the police thus arrested for stealing the car. Their effort
to call at home for assistance failed, but Jeffrey hangs up on them because he was on his day off
accompanied by his character of being languid. Fortunately, Will is lucky to reach his Uncle
Phil`s attention through phony confession on television (Smith-Shomade, 2002). Uncle Phil
accompanied by Mr. Furth head down to the jail where the police instantly update Mr. Furth that
they found his lost car believing that the prevailing boys were crooks until they are corrected by
him. Phil continues to beat down verbally the underlying dual officers via informing them of his
prevailing status as a lawyer. He proceeds to intimidate them that in case they refuse to set Will
and Carlton go right away, he would launch an investigation on them and then guarantee them
they will be found of guilty of racial profiling accompanied by bury them in so litigation. The
police then let Will and Carlton go with alacrity (Bignell, 2002). Because they were African-
American, we employ ideology semiotic code since the underlying community accompanied by
the media is normally labels with the minority race namely one entailing crime and negativity.
The paper tends to analyze the prevailing semiotic code of the ideology race accompanied by
how it is normally depicted. Episode 6 is chosen since it distinctly displays the correlation of the
events to the everyday life of the underlying race accompanied by its depth representation. The
stories also depict the elements of discrimination that is conspicuous within the entire episode as
racism on the categorization of a minority group.
Much of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’s comedy originates from Will, a fish out of water,
and the adjustment of his prevailing new life Bel Air. Moreover, there exists strong theme of
dichotomy within the show through the employment of the underlying Aristotelian accompanied
by the Stylistic Approaches makes us to analysis the pilot episode where Will first turn up to the
Banks’ mansion within the Bel-Air the family, thereby meeting the family’s butler, Jeffery
(Smith-Shomade, 2002). The semiotic analysis mainly entail the significant of the prevailing
costumes and sets as utilized within the episode in conveying the fundamental information about
the underlying characters. Will`s clothing in the episode stands out conspicuously around him,
reinforcing the underlying facts that he is the existing protagonist of the show accompanied by
the values of individuality. Within the prevailing series, Smith attends the corresponding
fictional Bel Air Academy, which was a private high school for solely rich kids. Moreover, the
school for the well off, the academy possesses many precincts and regulations that entail a strict
standardized policy (Bignell, 2002).
Within the episode, Will wears bright and vibrant colors that are yellow baseball cap, a
stripped, yellow T-Shirt accompanied by the blue shorts. All these are symbolical of his
underlying carefree and young personality (Smith-Shomade, 2002). The prevailing colors and
the corresponding clothing choices reinforce the underlying fact that depicts Will as an outsider
amid the influential within the Bel Air. They are symbolical of the prevailing urban culture of the

early 1990’s. Moreover, Will’s colors are vastly diverse that the corresponding whites, grays,
browns accompanied by blacks of the underlying set and that of the butter. The existing colors
within the excerpts, for most of the section, of the monochromatic and acts as the demonstration
of the complexity of wealthy society and the corresponding stoicism of Jeffery’s personality.
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air serves as the communal research. Within the episode, Will
and the corresponding interviewer are entirely at the odd at the commencement of the underlying
scene, the interviewer holding to the idea that Will is inappropriate for Princeton because of his
underlying behavior and background. These alterations, nevertheless, depicts that will is not
solely demanded to reveal his astuteness, but also the underlying imparts his wisdom to the
corresponding interviewer thus transforming the appraiser (Bignell, 2002). Via humor, charm
and the corresponding strong sense of self, Will permits the interviewer and most significantly
the addressees to view the universe via his own eyes. Moreover, this is a remarkably common
element within the series with Will being depicted as the catalyst for the positive alteration in the
personalities that surround him. This compels the underlying audience to reassess their own life,
instilling within them esteem for those personalities who were diverse to themselves (Smith-
Shomade, 2002).
Within the episode, Will is unique from the other supplementary students as his
underlying blazer is turned inside out thereby disrespecting the school`s stringent standardized
policy, in the errand of his peculiar sense of style (Smith-Shomade, 2002). Moreover, the
underlying inside of his jacket entails bright accompanied by the vibrant colors that the character
normally wears. Most significant dichotomy within The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air depicts massive
distinction amidst Will and his cousin, Carlton Banks since both are opposites in certain respects
(Bignell, 2002). The underlying characters are depicted as physical quintessence of the
corresponding Upper-Class Blacks and the corresponding Lower-Class Blacks. Moreover, Will
because of how he was brought up is characterized as more cynical and world –weary as
compared to Carlton. Carlton originates from a wealthy dual parent home thus making him
immensely romantic as depicted by its structure. Before and after the police officer stopped
them, we see Will and Carlton possessing diverse ideologies, they clad different clothes thus
depicting their underlying upbringings and individualities. Moreover, the underlying Will`s
bright color is exceedingly contrasted by the corresponding Carlton’s old-fashioned and preppy
look (Smith-Shomade, 2002).
The prevailing Stylistic Approach, music mainly Hip-Hop plays a significant role within
the episode. Will preference of music is frequently associated with the underlying humorous
inequality within the TV series and this almost clashed with the corresponding Banks family.
The humorous inequality also extends to the Will`s friendships (Smith-Shomade, 2002). Carlton
comedy dance is seen to come as exaggerated movements when he throws himself around the
room. Populace normally hold a perception that African-Americans knows how dance well and
intricately, which gives the reason why the underlying Fresh-Prince has capitalized on it as their
further representation of Will. The main significant aspects of any underlying culture are family
(Bignell, 2002). The theme of the family is principal ideological value within the prevailing
series. Within the episode, Will, is the best natured possess antagonistic association with both the
existing Uncle Phil and Carlton thus teasing them both. Nevertheless, his teasing covers the
unadulterated love and the deep respect that he possesses for both the underlying personalities.

The analysis of episode in Season 1, Episode 6 called "Mistaken Identity", in The Fresh
Prince of Bel-Air entails. The ideology of semiotic care of race is carried out through Aristotelian
Approach, Visualist Approach and the corresponding Structuralist Approach. The Aristotelian
Approach mainly entails the assessment of the narratives via the elements of drama and aids in
comprehension of the genre in the underlying plot, character, setting and theme, while visualist
approach examines the narrative via the camera (Smith-Shomade, 2002). The prevailing camera
takes the assumption of the narrator thereby depicting the existing audience the responsibility of
the visual impact of the story. Structuralist Approach employs the underlying semiotic
structuralism to in comprehending the implications of the storytelling’s power in shaping our
lives. Conversely, the underlying genre criticism relies on the meeting point of the text,
production accompanied by the audience. Collection of peculiar elements with time becomes
familiar, genre critics thus advances a framework that serves in attraction of the attention thereby
satisfying the existing audience`s expectations. It also enhances several approaches accompanied
by the structures (Smith-Shomade, 2002). The major differences amid the dual items that pertain
to the ideology of semiotic care of race and its analysis entirely rely on the class and power.
Uncle Phil as a protagonist who is also a politician is extremely well off. The underlying house
displayed is a mansion accompanied by the car, which they drive. Their vehicle is a Mercedes
Benz as compared to the Saturn automobiles that Moesha’s dad sells. In contrast with the
prevailing Moesha's neighborhood Lei mart Park dwelling within the South Central African
American, that highly populated, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air takes into consideration within the
Bel Air dwelling at the underlying dense White inhabitants’ one of the existing most fashionable
communities within Los Angeles (Bignell, 2002).

Bignell, J. (2002). Media semiotics: An introduction. Manchester [u.a.: Manchester Univ. Press.
Smith-Shomade, B. E. (2002). Shaded lives: African American women and television. New
Brunswick, NJ [u.a.: Rutgers University Press.

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