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Monday 12th January : REST DAY!

Take a break after a busy weekend.

Tuesday 13th January: 1 hour 15 minute ride 

WARM UP: 10 mins easy RPE 2

MAIN SET: For 50 minutes, ride at RPE3, but every 5 minutes,

sprint at RPE 9 for 10-20 seconds. The ‘Sprints’ are maximal efforts
done either out of the saddle or in the saddle, up to you. We just
need you making a very intensive effort for that 10-20sec, you can
vary your cadence on how you feel best to get power out.

COOL DOWN: 15 min RPE 3

Dig Deep Coaching Tip: Make sure you have any food well digested
before embarking on some ‘sprint’ work. You do not want a full
stomach during this ride. Try and finish a pre ride sack around 1hr
30min to 2hrs before ride.

Wednesday 14th January: REST DAY!

Thursday 15th January: 1 hour cross training  

This can be anything that gets you moving for an hour  - a walk,
gentle jog, yoga or pilates

Friday 16th January: 1 hour 15 minute tempo ride 

WARM UP: 15min RPE 2/3

MAIN SET: 45min riding at a RPE5, this is slightly above your

‘comfort zone’ and riding at a steady Tempo during this time. Keep
your cadence in a medium setting and avoid freewheeling too much
on down hills, and avoid traffic lights, towns etc. Perhaps keep this
to the same route you did last week so you can concentrate on the
effort a bit more without the stress on picking a route as you go
along the ride.

COOL DOWN: 15min RPE 2

Saturday 17th January: Day off

Spend the day catching up on all the things you have let go during
the week because of the training. You have worked hard this week
so enjoy some down time

Sunday 18th January: 2 hour hilly/rolling ride 

WARM UP: 15 min at RPE 3

MAIN SET: 1 hour 30 at RPE 4-5. Try to keep your effort equal over
hills and flat, and aim to finish as strong as you start – don’t start
too hard

COOL DOWN: 15 min at RPE 3

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