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Name of the country-DENMARK

Name of the committee- United Nations High Commissioner Refugees

AGENDA: Protecting rights of the migrant workers in foreign states

The agenda mainly aims towards the right to life of migrant workers and law shall protect members of their families. No
migrant worker or member of his or her family shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment. Those workers face the constant threat of deportation. Because of some usual problems like sexual or
physical assault incidents are also underreported in the migrant worker population because of the fear of consequences;
they also miss out on unemployment, disability and Social Security benefits from the government; hazardous conditions
of houses provide; migrant workers are often isolated from their neighbors because they do not speak the language and
shop mostly at ethnic stores and educational issues for the children. These problems show the major struggles as the

Although migration has been a permanent phenomenon throughout history, international migration in the globalized
economy is a growing and increasingly complex phenomenon. A very large part of contemporary migration is directly or
indirectly related to the world of work. Promotion of policies that maximize the contribution of migration to
development is another essential component of a comprehensive policy to address the global context of migration.
Among urgent required components are measures to reduce the costs of remittance transfers as well as developing
incentives to promote productive investment of remittances. Equitable measures need to be explored to mitigate the
loss of critically skilled workers, particularly in the public sectors of developing countries. Consideration may be given to
allocating development assistance to projects and programs generating or increasing employment in decent conditions.
Facilitating training and return of migrants, transfer of capital and technology by migrants, and migrant transnational
business initiatives are other options that could be promoted. This recent shift in demographics has posed challenges to
the nation as it attempts to address religious and cultural difference, employment gaps, education, spatial segregation,
crime rates and language abilities.

The rules that Denmark have in place for their immigration system can be very flexible, the whole system is friendly and
welcoming. Any successful applicant who intends to stay in Denmark for life and settle there with any dependents must
first complete the desired requirements which in turn will lead to citizenship .

Denmark urges governments to adopt the following recommendations to reduce dependence on temporary labor
migration programs and to improve program governance in ways that elevate conditions for both guest workers and
destination-country workers in affected industries.
(I) Establish expert groups or commissions to determine whether migrant workers are truly
needed by analyzing labor market data and weighing the trade-offs that are inevitable in labor
(II) Take actions that allow workers in temporary labor migration programs to exercise their
freedom of association without fear of retaliation and removal.
(III) Help migrants access justice by providing legal services and postponing removal and other
immigration enforcement actions for guest workers involved in labor disputes.
(IV) Implement mandatory registration systems to better regulate labor recruiters, ensure
transparency in the migrant worker recruitment process, and prevent worker-paid fees.
(V) Integrate unions and worker organizations into the governance processes of temporary labor
migration programs.
(VI) Implement mandatory registration systems to better regulate labor recruiters, ensure
transparency in the migrant worker recruitment process, and prevent worker-paid fees.

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