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Roselle A.




Description of Photo Stage of Development Milestone

This stage assists in Sensorimotor Stage In this stage this is the first
comprehending a child's two years of existence of
first two years of the child and this is the
existence. first walk/step.

In this instance. They play Preoperational stage They start to play with

pretend or make-believe other children and they
games with it. This stage start to talk.
lasts from 2 years to 7
years of age.

This stage is the mental Concrete Operational This stage is the ability to
processes mimic those of stage tell the difference between
adults in this stage, their own and other
becoming logical, flexible, people's thoughts. The
concrete, and orderly. ability to classify has
Conversational ability improved.
reveals that activities
adhere to social structure
and follow logical rules.
This stage lasts from 7
years to 11 years.

At this age, the ability to Formal Operational stage This stage as teenagers
think abstractly, go through this stage, they
methodically, and learn to think abstractly by
scientifically emerges. This manipulating concepts in
last stage lasts from 11 their heads rather than
years until they are older relying on concrete

2. By pairs, create or web on various developmental stages taht shows how the
milestones build on each other. Once done, present the output to the class or other
3. Choose a child as your case for observation. Use the tables included in this
chapter to not the child’s development and come up with a summary after the
observation. If observation is not possible, you may interview a primary caregiver to
know about the child’s developmental milestone.

 As a result, the youngster is in his or her early childhood. He is now five years
old and has recently begun attending school. I couldn't observe the child
myself, but I did interview the person who was looking at him at all times. So,
according to his nanny, the boy is playful, pleasant, and chatty, and he's
always wondering about topics like what those objects are for. What are their
methods for achieving this? What's the source of that? However, his nanny
claims that he occasionally speaks words that are incomplete or that you may
comprehend but the pronunciation is incorrect. In the case of the youngster, I
believe there is nothing wrong with him because he is just 5 years old and our
pronunciation is still developing at that age.

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