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a the process, business, or art of producing printed matter

b (as modifier)

printing ink

2 printed text

3 (Also called) impression all the copies of a book or other publication printed at one time

4 a form of writing in which letters resemble printed letters

block printing

n printing from hand engraved or carved blocks of wood or linoleum

double printing

n (Photog) the exposure of the same positive photographic emulsion to two or more negatives,
resulting in the superimposition of multiple images after development

draft-quality printing

n (Computing) low-quality, high-speed output in printed form from a printer linked to a word

Compare → letter-quality printing

letter-quality printing

n (Computing) high-quality output in printed form from a printer linked to a word processor

Compare → draft-quality printing

printing press

n any of various machines used for printing

process printing

n a method of making reproductions of a coloured picture, usually by using four halftone plates for
different coloured inks

silk-screen printing

n another name for → screen process

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