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4. Complete the text using the correct words from the box below. There are two. words that you won't need (2 points, 0.25 each). A self-confessed 'bigorexic' who started going to the gym (a) _ he would not get bullied, has told how he stilt feels small.and skinny (b)_____ dramatically transforming his body. Ross Batten, 20, said he reached his muscly peak after becoming addicted to going to the gyra with friends, The mechanical fitter, (6) cats 100 eggs a week to put on muscle, also lifts weights daily. He consumes 5,000 calocies a day over nine meals @______ build his physique, and (e) __ his obsession begun has put on over 30 kilos. Ross has "bigorexia", an illness in which sufferers are consumed) the idea that they're not big (2) . “I still feel small even though | know I'm bigger @)_ most people”, says Ross. TOO DESPITE, THAT TN ORDER TO ENOUGH BY SO THAT WHO SINCE THAN 4, Complete the text using the correct words from the box below. There are two words that you won’t need (2 points, 0,25 cach). At(a)_____ in the skort term, Pokémon Go is a proven phenomenon with millions of players. It is socially very interesting thanks to a(b)_____ smart design decisions. ‘You wouldn't jump off a bridge because (c)___ doing it, but that isa great reason to play Pokémon Go. I was invited to a Pokémon party in the San Francisco Bay Area. ‘When I arrived there two dozen adults were on the front lawn (d)_ out the names of Pokémon as they appeared on their phones. I joined (e) _ _ inside when someone claimed a Bulbasaur was in the fridge; we ran back outside for Ponyta, We walked a block or two to challenge a nearby Gym (f)__ to have it taken over right from under us by someone we didn't know and (g)_ see, it was silly and (hb) and fun all at once LEAST LITTLE FRUSTRATED COULDN'T FEW THEM ONLY — EVERYBODY’S CALLING FRUSTRATING 4. Complete the text using the correct words from the box below. There are 2 words that you won't need (2 points, @, 25 each). A@ oo unschooler wrote: As 2 kid, I felt happy to have so much time out of my day to play and have fun, I could spend more time (b)__ the fun stuff (reading books, building tree forts, knitting, making up plays, riding my bike, baking, ete. ctc.). (ce) _ ___.. tbla fo sleep when and (@)______ T needed was also great, As an adult now, I Feel I've had the time to explore my own interests. For example, I've independently read a lot of classic books (e)__._.___ I was young, (f) ___ I don’t think I would have wanted to do f(g) forced on me. How i ling help me in my transition +o adulthood? Well, in many ways I started as an adult, responsible for my (h) ___ thinking and doing, so there was no sudden transition at all. SINCE THEYHADBEEN —28-YEARS-OLD ‘AS LONG AS BEING THEY HAVE BEEN own WHICH 28-YEAR-OLD _ __ DOING _ 4. Complete the text using the correct words from the box below. There are 2 words that you won’t need (2 points, 0, 25 each). Amnesty Intemational is a UK-based intemational non-governmental organization which defines a, mission ba "to conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights and to demand justice for those oo _ rights have been violated.” ‘Amnesty International was founded in London in July 1961 by English labour lawyer Peter Benenson. According to his de | account, he was travelling in the London Underground on 19 November 1960, when he read of two Portuguese students who had been sentenced to seven years of imprisonment for having drunk a toast to liberty, In his famous newspaper article The Forgotten Prisoners, Benenson later described his reaction as follows: "Open your newspaper e._______ day of the week and you will find a story from somewhere of someone being imprisoned, tortured or executed because his opinions are unacceptable to his government. The newspaper reader feels a sense of impotence, gy if these feelings of disgust could be united i on action, something effective could h. ” [the “whose “as own any sickening yet__ have done bedone its

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