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It is better to make people pay damages or fines rather than put them to prison
By making the perpetrator pay damages rather than serve a sentence, we can
greatly improve the penitentiary system.
The system of fines and community service is more efficient than a prison. I
am totally agree with this statement. First, the penal system is very costly for the
budget. We have to pay for the food and accommodation of the prisoners, their
security and transportation. Instead of spending this money on something more
important, like education or health care, we are forced to use it to contain marginal
elements. If we could not only reduce the cost of maintaining prisons, but also
receive new income in the form of fines, this would greatly facilitate the economy.
I think the prison system is outdated and it would be more useful to replace
it with fines and socially useful labor. Second, the current system does not motivate
the offender to improve. Getting into the environment of prisoners, he is drawn
deeper and deeper into the criminal world. Thus, instead of correcting behavior and
socialization, prison generates new recidivists and criminals. Fines and the threat of
community service will make the would-be offender question the need to commit a
Therefore, the modern prison system is no longer effective. Much better, for
the economy, the penitentiary system and the criminals themselves would be to
replace it with fines, forcing the violators themselves to compensate for the
damage they caused. It would be much more effective for the state and for the
criminals themselves to make the violator himself pay damages or fines.

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