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World Painter Starter Kit

Compiled & Updated By:


Update: May 12th 2019 It would seem LordDakr is doing an updated World Painter Tutorial
series. With this said I do believe it would only be fitting to update this document as well as
some things have changed. With that being said within the next few weeks I’ll be updating this
document with the latest info to help get you started and as always, enjoy making your own

----------Getting World Painter----------

First off, you obviously need World Painter. Get it HERE.

WINDOWS USER: It DOES MATTER if you are running 32 or a 64- bit system because world painter
won't work correctly. To tell what version of windows you have, if unsure, open any File Explorer and
type "Control Panel\System and Security\System" press ENTER, then look for "System Type"

MAC OSX USERS: Do I even need to say anything? :P

LINUX USERS: If you are unsure what Linux is or if you have Linux and are unsure which version you
should download, I suggest installing Windows or Mac.

--------How Do I Use World Painter?--------

First off there is no wrong way to use it. Just, to become proficient at it you need to be patient and
devote about 10 hours into learning it. This would be tl;dr if I tried explaining everything here so
instead here is LordDakr's guide on Youtube. It's the most complete tutorial out there on World
Painter. Seriously.
Watch Dakr’s Tutorials Here.

Dakr’s playlist of how to make your own stuff in Minecraft from boulders to
trees, to paths/road and more!
Don’t understand something? See Various Things & Resources Selection below for LordDakr’s Discord. Someone will surely know
or try to help if you ask nicely and wait patiently for a response as the community grows!

Here is lentebriesje picture tutorial on Custom Object Layers

---------Custom Brushes & Trees---------
Custom brushes are key to any detailed and intricate maps you may make. They can be made out of
virtually any image you could think of. There are many resources you can use to make your own as
well as places you can download them from.

Here is My Custom Brush Pack(updated to v4 from v3 9/25/2021)

Please NOTE: I DID NOT MAKE THESE. THEY ARE SOURCED FROM PMC, google, Bing, Yahoo, Jeeves,
and various other places throughout the internet.

As for trees, there are a few other ones out there, but THIS is the most complete tree database that
I know of. There are many more tree packs than those listed out there. Yes, there are more brushes
and trees out there but you will need to search for more specific things you want.

However fear not for I have you covered on how to make custom brushes. HERE is World Painter’s
official “guide” with THIS tutorial. But that’s EXTREMELY basic so here is A Tutorial Using
Photoshop(Corel Draw Works 2!). But even this is quite limiting after a while. Most of the packs listed
above were done via the photoshop method. is a great resource for getting real earth
height maps but generally needs lots of editing to refine it perfectly.

But it gets EVEN BETTER. Tired of using the same old brushes? Limited by previous choices and
frustrated everyone else has the same ones as you? Well do something about it! Fractscape &
Terragen 4 both are GREAT resources for making your own brushes via their heightmap
exportation tools. Doing this will enable you to make HIGHLY DETAILED hills, dunes, mountains,
valleys, etc.

----What Kind Of Map Should I Make?----

Whatever kind you want! There is no truly wrong way to make a map in World Painter. There is a
big learning curve though. Especially if you decide to take the time to learn Fractscape and Terragen
4 along with World Painter. The only limitation is your imagination, effort, & desire to push yourself
further with the program.
While some enjoy making maps from scratch without a map overlay to base on others do not and
want said overlay. To those I provide you with THIS. However, if you use something from there or
any other map. Be sure to give proper credit to the source and ask permission to use their work<3 A
single map can take someone YEARS to perfect and release and the people that take the time to
make them deserve the recognition.

--------Various Things & Resources--------

World Painter's Official Forum
@WorldPainter Twitter
LordDakr’s Discord Server
I’ll Update This Periodically as I compile a database for trees, rocks, and various items that I find which intrigue me.
Update 5/8/18: Computer broke for a few months. Got a new one. Recovered most of my stuff. Feel free to join LordDakr’s Discord Server and
@GenzongGaming for limited help and a community of people passionate about Minecraft and various world creation methods. Also, if you have info to
add then please @ me as well for that so we can develop a database of information and links. ALWAYS ACCEPTING NEW BRUSHES!!!!!!

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