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a | Sal Cie Ma } VE A a Geds i OL Li Praise for THE MARRIAGE OF CADMUS AND HARMONY ‘Calasso’s book is brilliant, dazzling to read. a labyrinth lit by a fire Ie describes, with energy and a kind of love, the mythical creation of the world The whole of Greek mythology is simultaneously present from Homer to Nonus at the very end of pagan antiquity ... An extraordinary book j ER GRIEFIN Vew Vork Review of Books The Greeks would have recognized Roberto Calasso as one of their own in the same way as they would have recognized Ovid . . . This is the kind of book that comes out only once or twice in one’s lifetime \ perfeet work like no other. (Calasso] has re-created, in a blaze of light, the morning of our world Gor Roberto Calasso’s aim in his startling and beautiful book is to make us under tand. once more, the necessity of myth, not just as fable and fantasy but a: a way of comprehending our own natur [it will be read and reread not as treatise but as story: one of the most extraordinary that has ever been writ ten of the origins of Western self-consciousness, Part narrative, part meditation, this marvelously engrossing book plunges the reader right into the thick of the mythological action , . . Calasso’s concise traightforward style of storytelling untangles the most complicated plots A work of power and grace Mt RuBin, Chrestian Science Monitor Vivid... A serious entertainment meant to leave the reader with some lin: gering sense that what seemed remote and forgoten is in some way a part of nis own very different world. Mary Leraowt -,, Vork Times Book Review ISBN 0-6 5 mt | | | | || 51310! | 9 "780679"4! Born in Florence, Roberto Calasso lives in Milan, where he is publisher of Adelphi. He is the author of The Ruin of Kasch and The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony, which was the winner of Franc 's Prix Veillon and the Prix du Meilleur Livre Roberto Calasso’s The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony is available in Vintage paperback TRANSLATED FROM THE ITALIAN BY TIM PARKS With 17 illustrations Jacket image: An illustration from a Visnu Avatara series, Bikaner, circa 1650, © 1998 Sotheby's, Inc Jacket design by Barbara de Wilde IN Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, New York 1/9 ROBERTO CALASSO KNOPF KA VI VIL Vil XI NIL XI XIV XV

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