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As we all know that written text has been a means to communicate, express, and
document. In this 21st century with emerge of social media and digital life, there is
an enormous amount of data everywhere that is available in an unstructured way.
To understand and make proper use of this present unstructured data we use text
Text classification is a machine learning technique that is used to classify
unstructured text data into various categories. It can be used to organize,
structure, and categorize any kind of text available all over the web.
For example,
Suppose I have launched a product a while ago, which has got a review from
various platforms all over the internet, which got lots of good reviews and bad
reviews now I have unstructured text data.
Now to do a text classification of this data, we can follow two approaches or
1. Manual method:
Manual text classification involves a human annotator, who interprets
the context of the text and categorizes it accordingly. This approach can be
useful for a handful of data but a large set of data is neither efficient and
nor cost-effective.
2. Automatic method:
Automatic text classification applies machine learning, natural language
processing (NLP), and other AI-guided techniques like logistics Regression,
Artificial Neural networks, and Naive Bayes. It automatically classifies text
meticulously and more efficiently.
The various automatic text classification approaches come in the following three
types of systems:
• Rule-based systems:
These approaches classify text into organized groups using a set of
handcrafted rules. i.e. we trained a classifier with sets of words to
categories the input data into different categories.
From the given example, we can assign words like
o This is a very good product – Good review
o It can improve – Average review
o Terrible product, disappointed – Bad review
• Machine learning-based systems:
Here instead of following rules, machine learning text classification learns
to make a classification based on past observation from data sets using
machine learning algorithms. It includes the Naive Bayes family of
algorithms, support vector machines(SVM), and deep learning.
• Hybrid systems:
It combines a machine learning-trained base classifier with a rule-based
system, used to improve the results. this is done by adding specific rules for
those conflicting tags that haven't been correctly modeled by the base

In this method, we use a trained classifier with separate class labeled data that
perform various text analytics operations like tokenization, lemmatization,
stopwords pos tagging.
Using this model we can classify input data where we get output whether the
review is good, average, or bad. Using this text classification we can improve the
user experience.
Various businesses and organizations are using the trend to understand user
sentiments and user behavior. Nowadays, this is used by every marketer, product
manager, engineer, and most salespeople to automated business processes and
save hundreds of hours of manual data processing.
Text classification is used for an application like spam detection in emails,
targeting customers needs, etc. by almost every organization and all social media –
networking apps.

Text classification tools:

• Open-source libraries- Python, Java, and R
• SaaS APIs- Google cloud NLP, IBM Watson, amazon comprehend,
meaningCloud, etc

Report by – Pradeep Patwa

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