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I stood alone among the music and the socialites, fidgeting with my

left hand, and gripping a half-full plastic cup in my right, thinking:

“I ought to say hello to someone”
But just as the thought completed itself in my mind, she appeared in
front of me. I lowered my eye line to match hers, and started to articulate
an introduction, in hopes of maybe learning her name at some point down
the line.
She looked at me with a static expression though, seemingly trying to
communicate something to me, through merely the virtue of that
expression. The way her eyes probed me effortlessly from below the flat
horizon of her disapproving brow, and her fish-like jaw hung beneath the
rest of her face- it bewildered me. I had begun my introduction mere
seconds ago, but words started to become caught in my throat, in fear of
whatever assertion this look that I was receiving could possibly serve to
make. Soon any semblance of eloquence in my yammering was defeated
by the look, which exuded disgust the likes of which I had never seen
before; an unnerving blend of apathy and horror at the fact that I was even
attempting verbal contact with her. While, in my naivete, I had initially
thought her visually unassuming, I soon realized she had a figurative shut
up written directly across her face.
I pondered how it could possibly be that she harbored such
immediate disdain for the words I was saying.
I pondered further; could it be that the muscles in her face were
simply comatose? If she sought to infect me with whatever affliction she
had, it had been a complete success, as before I knew it, instead of
choking on my words, I was saying nothing at all. Every shred of
confidence had been depleted. I tried to conjure in my head a combination
of words which might break the ice, but she was the ice.
I briefly paused my introspection to get another look, but the slack
jawed phantom had vanished as quickly as she arrived.
I stood alone again among the music and the socialites, with my left
hand limp at my side, and a mouth ajar, into which I emptied the contents
of the cup in my right hand. I thought to myself:
“I ought to go home now.”

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