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Standard 4

Artifact 1

“Closing Circle Plan”


Explanation: Unfortunately, because of COVID-19, I was not able to participate in a practicum

and had to take a supplementary course instead, but I was still able to prepare many lesson plans

that would’ve been used in practicum or preschool setting. The lesson plans that I prepared were

developmentally appropriate, focused on specific goals, and were geared towards interests of

children. Though I was not able to carry out my lesson plans in a classroom setting, I took time

to plan out the activities to make sure they would be something children would enjoy and also

followed the DAP curriculum.

Standard: This artifact demonstrates my knowledge. I took what I knew about children, setting

goals, planning activities to work towards specific goals, and DAP to plan a lesson. The lesson

plan also shows my skills that I am able to look at a child as an individual, set a goal, and plan an

activity that is interesting with that child in mind. Understanding developmental milestones and

what is appropriate for children at certain ages aided me in writing lesson plans that would

benefit the children and be something they enjoy.

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