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My experience in immersion is was fun and tiresome because of doing it 2 times a day in three weeks.
Even though we are doing this in time of pandemic that was a fun time because I’m discovering new things.
Throughout the three weeks I finish my immersion with no difficulty as we are in finals. My family help me
and support me with my immersion. I also followed the time I give in my proposal even we have many other
requirements in other subject. When I was doing my immersion I fulfill the objective in my proposal such
that learning how to plant, caring the plant, items that can be useful even though it considered as a trash,
and reducing the garbage. With this immersion I help the planet even it is a little and if this.

Week 1
May 17-22. The first week of the immersion it was kinda new to me because it was my first time that im
gonna do this. When we gather all the materials and the seed. We ready the plastic bottle we needed, I
pinch the bottom to have a hole because it’s needed then put a soil by half then put the seed and then put a
soil again. After this I watering the plants then contuining watering it day by day.

Week 2
May 23-29. In the second week of the immersion. Their not much to do, I only follow the time when what
time I watering the plants. It was 2 times a day to be precised.
Week 3
May 30- Jun 5. Because im busy at other school works and in my proposal I indicate a one member of
family. Because of that My grandmother is the one that water the plants all week.

In the week 1 of my immersion I put three hole in the bottom of the plastic bottle to be ready to plant it.
Then after that I put a soil and some seeds. Then I watering the plant and put them to the other plant.

In the second week of my immersion I keep watering them and give enough sunlight to the plants.

In my third week of my immersion my grandmother is the one who waters it and after three weeks I see a
little different in my plants I see a small leaves on them.

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