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Trainee: Guevarra, Ron Harper B.

Narrative Report
Week 1 (May 21 – May 23, 2021)
For the first week of the immersion, is really hard because there’s a lot of problems in their tight
schedule, but luckily, I be able to convince my cousin to attend even my father, most likely this day
they have a lot of free time. The first day in May 21,2021, there’s an orientation, about the
significance of the DIY Eco bags and also the discussion on how to make those ecobags. The Day
started in an opening prayer and national anthem “Lupang Hinirang” and after that I started to
discuss the purpose of the workshop and also the significance on it in our environment. Lastly, I
teach them how to make those Eco bags from the magazines and fabrics. In May 22,2021 is the
actual date where we going to start in making Eco bags, the first day of the workshop I’m really
happy because everyone is present that includes my cousin. The workshop work smoothly and we
be able to perform our task according to the schedule. In the second day, the last day of the
workshop in this week, May 23, 2021.The immersion it’s same situation as the first day. Everybody
is present in the workshop, the workshop is very lively, we cut the magazines, putting together and
adding finishing touches, the workshop is same as the first day.
Week 2 (May 26 – May 29, 2021)
For the Second week of the immersion, is extremely hard because I have right schedule in the
online classes specifically in Monday and Tuesday, so I started the second week of the immersion
in Wednesday, May 26,2021.In his time my cousin is not available because she have a lot of
schoolwork and assignments, only my father is available on that time so I ask some help, the
workshop start same as before but in slower pace because we the only two of us, the work is same
we cut the magazines, put them together and add some design, lastly we started in making a Eco
bags in a fabric because on the first two days, we can’t find a fabric in our home so we ask from my
auntie of she have, luckily she give me some fabrics. In May 27,2021 the immersion is the same as
the first day in a second week, we are the only two us able to cooperate each with each other, my
father. The workshop went smoothly in this time we be able to finish a lot of Eco bags parts, the
work same as usual. We quilted some fabrics, but I’m originally focus in making Ecobags.The
workshop is just right in schedule that we can be able to perform our task based on it.Lastly the last
day in this workshop, May 29,2021,Sadly in this time my father has a work and my cousin is not
available too, so I just work alone for myself, by setting a timer in camera for pictures also I work
according to the schedule, the process is same as before, cutting the magazines, putting to
together the pieces with glue and adding finishing touches, and working in fabrics, sadly the work
pace is slow because I’m alone but I be able to finish the workshop with great results.
Week 3(May 30,2021)
For this day alone I come to our neighbors to distribute the DIY eco bags and also the ones made
in fabrics. The distribution went smoothly and I be able to distribute all the eco bags we made.
Week 1 (May 21 – 23,2021) The pictures show cutting/adhesion of DIY Eco Bags

In the week 1, the start is the orientation about the DIY Eco Bag and also the workshop starting
day, the work went smoothly and fast because there three participants, the process is right on
Week 2 (May 26 – 29, 2021) The pictures show the cutting/adhesion/design of DIY Eco Bags

In the week 2, the work pace is slower because my cousin is not available and last picture I’m
alone because everyone, is bc, but I’m be able to finish the workshop shop according to schedule.
Week 3 (May 30, 2021) The pictures shows the Distribution and the finish Eco Bags.

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