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Name : Susri Warni

NIM : 221261416 4 P

Tugas Bhs Inggris

Istilah Medis

1. Cotton swab : kapas untuk swab /kapas APUS lendir

* Analys uses cotton swab to take a sample Corona virus.
2. Cotton wool : Kapas alcohol/Kapas steril
* Cotton wool is used to sterilize the injection area.
3. Crutch : Tongkat Penyangga / Kruk
* Broken leg patient assisted by crutch to walk.
4. Defibrillator : Alat pemicu ajntung/ Defibrill
* Cardiac arrest patiet use Defebrillators for Basic Life Support.
5. Dental pick : Tusuk gigi,alat gigi dg stik ujung lancip.
* Tooth decay is taken using Dental Pict.
6. Elastic bandage ; Perban Elastis
* Muscle stiffnes is treated with elastic bandage.
7. Dropping bottle : Botol tetes / botol drop
* Administery medicine to infant assisted by Dropping bottle.
8. Double-lumen endobronchial tube : Pipa saluran bagian dalam bronchiale ganda
* Assistive devices for patient with respiratory disorders with double lumens endobronchiole
9. Doctor : Dokter
* The Doctor makes Medical Diagnosis.
10. Disposable gloves : Sarung tangan sekali pakai /Handscoon
* Health Workers wear personal protectiveequipment with Disposable gloves.
11. Examining table : Meja / tempat tidur pemeriksaan
* Patient is examined above Examining Table.
12. Eye chart : KARTU SNELLEN/ Kartu Pemeriksaan Refraksi Mata
* Myopia or refractive error is inferred from the eye chart.
13. Feeding tube : Selang makanan /NGT
* Unconscious patient eats with Feeding Tube.
14. First aid kit : Kotak Pertolongan pertama /Kotak p3 K
* UKS should provide First aid kit.
15. Gauze : Kain Kassa
* Cover the wound with gauze.
16. Gurney : Brancar / Tempat tidur dorong untuk membawa atau memindahkan pasien
* Accident Patient using Gurney to Emergency Room.
17. Adhesive bandage : Perban Perekat
* Adhesive Bandage prevents wider injury from Fracture.
18. Adhesive tape : Pita perekat
*Adhesive tape can be used to strengthen the gauze cover on the wound.
19. Alcohol : Alkohol
* Alkohol 70 % including antiseptic.
20. Ambulance ; Ambulan
* Patients referred by Ambulance.
21. Antipyretic sticker : Stiker penurun panas/stiker kompres penurun panas
* Children with fever overcome with Antipyretic stiker.
22. Blood pressure monitor : Monitor Tekanan Darah
* Hypertension can be monitored with Blood Pressure Monitor.
23. Blood bag : Kantong darah
* Donor blood is put into a blood bag.
24. Bandage : Plester
* The wound is closed with gauze given Bandage.
25. Autorefractor : Alat Autorefraksi / alat pemeriksaan refraksi mata
* Ophthalmologist checksrefraction with Autorefractor.
26. Antiseptic :cairan antiseptic/cairan pembunuh kuman.
* Lisol, Bethadine included Antiseptic.
27. Braces : Kawat gigi
* Braces make teeth neater.
28. Catheter : Kateter
* The catheter to drain urine .
29. Caustic pencil : Pensil kaustik
* Indications of Caustik pensil for Hemostatik, Vasomotor rhinitis.
30. Cold pack : kantong pendingin
* Cold compress with Cold Pack.
31. Compression bandage : Perban Kompresi
* Muscle disorders are minimized by Compression Bandage.
32. Nasopharyngeal airway : alat bantu pembuka jalan napas Nasopharing
* Airway obstruction is resolved through Nasopharyngea l airway.
33. Nebulizer : Alat mesin pengubah obat cair menjadi uap untuk dihirup keparu-paru/NEBUL
* Salbutamol Asmathic patiens are often given salbutamol via Nebulizer.
34. Needle : Jarum suntik
* For injection we need Needle.
35. Nurse : Perawat
* Nurse providing nursing care.
36. Obstetrical forceps : Tang Kebidanan/Tang obstetric
* Obstetrician perform the baby with obstetrical Forseps.
37. Oxygen mask : Masker Oksigen
* O2 can be given with Oxygen Mask for patient dyspnea
38. Otoscope : alat pemeriksaan telinga
* Doktor THT check ears with Otoscope.
39. Oropharyngeal airway : OPA/GODEL/Alat pembuka jalan nafas pharing
*Patients with airway obstruction are placed on Oropharyngeal airway.
40. Operating table : Meja Operasi
* Surgery is performed on the Operating Table.
41. Operating room : Kamar Operasi
* Laparotomy is perfomed in the operating room.
42. Patient : Pasien
* Patient must take medication according to doctors therapy.
43. Plaster cast: gips
* Fractur extremitas can using Plaster cast..
44. Pregnancy test kit : perlengkapan test kehamilan
* Women can check their pregnancy with Pregnancy test kit.
45. Saline bag : Cairan garam /cairan infuse
* Ringer Laktat, Natrium include Saline Bag.
46. Scales : Timbangan Berat Badan
* Fortunately knowing our weight can measure it with Scales.

47. Bedpan : POT / Instrumen alat untuk Buang Air besar

* Total bedrest patient using Bedpan for eliminasi.
48. Blood infusion set ; SET Tranfusi darah
* Tranfusion requires Blood Infusion set.
49. Enema bulb : bola lampu enema
* Enema bulb to insert the enema liquid into intestine.
50. Face shield : Pelindung wajah
* Use Face shield from pandemi covid.
51. Human muscle : Otot Manusia
* Biseps and Trisep are Human Muscle.
52. Sphygmomanometer : Alat Pengukur Tekanan darah
* Blood pressure wasmeasureed using Spigmomanometer.
53. Ophthalmoscope; Alat pemeriksaan Mata
* Intraocular pressure seen through Opthalmoscope.
54. Medical halogen penlight : Senter medis
* doctor checks pupil dilatation with Medical halogen penlight.
55. Kidney dish : Bengkok /piala ginjal
* Kidney dish is a shallow basin used in medical and surgical waste.
56. Tongue depressors : Spatula penekan lidah
* Tongue depressors prevents the tongue from bloking the airway.

57. Glucose meter : Pengukur kadar glukosa/ gula darah

* DM Indicator is measured by Glukosa meter.
58. Head mirror : Kaca kepala
Head mirrorhelp the doctor to checks Ear ,nose.
59. Infusion pump : Pompa infuse
Fuction pump infuse to push fluid,food and medicine nto blood vessels.
60. Inhaler : alat inhalasi/pernafasan
Patient ASTHMA requires Ventolin Inhaler.
61. Insulin pen : Pena insulin
Lavemir included Insulin Pen.
62. Keratometer : Alat pengukur radius dan kekuatan refraksi permukaan kornea anterior.
* Keratometer used ofthalmogist to diagnostic.
63. Medical record : Catatan Medik/Rekam medis
* The patients medical history can be traced through medical Record
64. Medical monitor : Monitor Medis
* Vital sign can see from Monitor Medis.
65. Medical clamps : Klem medis
* Surgery requires medical clams.
66. Medical boot : Sepatu bot Medis
* The safety of helath workers is considered by wearing Medical boot.
67. Laryngeal tube : Pipa laryngeal
* Respiratory system aids include Laryngeal tube
68. Medical scissors : Gunting bedah
*Medical Scissors needed for surgery
69. Medicine : Obat-obatan
* Patient must be drink their medicine.
70. Microscope : Mikroskope
Germs seen through a microscope.
71. Miller-abbott tube : selang intubasi pada usus
* miller-abbott tube to treat obstrukctions in the small intestine through intubation.
72. Mouthwash : cairan pencuci mulut
* Example Mouthwash like Listerine.

73. Scalpel : Pisau Bedah

* Surgery need scalpel.
74. Scrubs : Pakaian Medis/Paramedis
* We wear scrubs todays.
75. Medical protective clothing : Pakaian Pelindung Medis/Pakaian pelindung diri
We using Medical Protektif cloting at Operating Room.
76. Sling : alat/penyangga tangan
* Fractur of arm can be given a sling.
77. Speculum : Spekulum
* To Open vagina the doctors using Spekulum.
78. Stethoscope : Stateskope
* Auskutasi respiration ,we need stateskope.
79. Torch : Senter
* Other support tools among others Torch.
80. Thermometer :Termometer/alat pengukur suhu tubuh
* Using Thermometer for know yours temperatures.
81. Test tube :Tabung reaksi
* Test Tube for Laboratory equipment.
82. Syringe : Spuit jarum suntik
* Syringe for injection.
83. Surgical mask : Masker bedah
* Surgical mask to prevent virus transmission
84. Stretcher : Usungan, tandu
* Strecher to lift injured patient.
85. Urine sample : Contoh urine
* Test for albuminuria we need urine sample.
86. Walker : Alat bantu jalan/tongkat bekaki empat
* Mobilisasi using walker for stroke.
87. Wheelchair : Kursi Roda
* Patient using wheelchair to mobilitation.
88. X-ray : Rotgen
Rotgen is an action to estabilish a medical diagnosis.
89. Hot Water Bag : Buli-Buli Panas/Kantong air hangat
Hotwater Bag to make feel Comfortobel from pain.


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