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Le ™ a ras of the Broken coast Creators of the Iron Kingdoms Brian Snoddy Mate Wilson Creative Director Mate Wilson Project Director Bryan Curler Game Design Matt Wilson Lead Developer Jason Soles Art Direction Kris Aubin Development Rob Stoddard Writing Douglas Seacat Continuity Jason Soles Rules Editing Kevin Clark Bryan Cutler Jason Soles Rob Stoddard Editing Christopher Bodan Cover Mlustration Andrea Uder20 Illustrations Rob Hawkins Andrea Uderzo Chris Waleon “Matt Wilson Concept Ulustration Chris Waleon Mate Wilson Graphic Design & Layout Steve Angeles Keis Aubin Beyan Cutler Kim Goddard Josh Mandeeville Daniel Gelon Miniatures Direction Ron Kruzie Sculpting Mauro Gani Jeff Grace Todd Hares Bobby Jackson Werner Klocke ‘Aragorn Marks Felix Paniagua Jose Roig Ben Saunders Seeve Saunders JefF Withelm Miniatures Painting Mate DiPietro Ron Keuzie Allison MeVey Quentin Sich Terrain Alfonso Falco Photography Steve Angeles President Sherry Yeary Office Administrator Marky Eshande Event /Front Office Manager Erik Breidenstein Client Support Specialist Christopher Frye Customer Support Adam Johnson Marketing Manager Nathan Letsingee NOM EIC Nathan Leesinger Licensing and Contract Manager Brent Waldher NQM Managing Editor Eric Cagle Hobby Manager Rob Hawkins Press Gang Quartermaster / Director of Organized Play Dan Brande Production Manager Mark Christensen Technical Director Kelly Yeager Casting, Shipping, and Packing Manager Douiglas Colton Production Trey Bindewald Brandon Burton Alex Chobot Joel Falkenhagen Dal Ivanov Greg Lincoln Craig Lowry Joshua McDowell Mike Melntosh Jwstin Securih Cline Whiteside RPG Line Director Nathan Letsinger Webmaster James Kerr Web and Forum Support Peter Goublomme Eric Lakin David Ray Infernals Brian Batam Gilles Reynaud John Simon Playtest Coordinator Kevin Cla Internal Playtesting Christopher Bodin Dan Brande rik Bredenstein Brandon Barton Kevin Clark Marky Eshande Del Ivanov Adam Johnson Brad Lannon Greg Lincoln Joshua McDowell Doug Seacat Brent Waldher Chris Walton External Playtesting David Carl Jessica Cad David Dautetive Dominick DiGregorio ric Ernewein Chistian Fontaine Nick Kendall David Lyons Gooffeey Long Rob Miles ‘Adam Poitier Adam Rosenblum Tim Simpson David Sininger Mark Thomas Dan Weber Proofreading Christopher Bodan Erik Breidenstein Eric Cagel Kevin Clark ‘Matt DiPietro Marky Echande Christopher Frye Kim Goddard Rob Haskins Adam Johnson. Joshua McDowell Douglas Seacat Jason Soles Rob Stoddard Chris Walton For yas we've Been Bombanded with a partcular question conventions and thebugh email: do you have avy pate jatres Ae we woul give the disappointing samen the FP eins acd quit places cur antes Pree Besoesthoughe Desp ele history of man and Ctyaian piracy alike, we had pres Part of this, of coura, shat WARMACHIINE foctses wand srs and ten-ion walking tanks which are exactly all chat prety ‘our obvious affinity for all things pirate that the Tron Kingdoms setting is steeped in ari ‘Our first order of business was to figure out how pirates made 4enscin the conteat of WARMACHINE, so we broke their boat gave them submersible warjacks, and the rest just rolled there. Easy as walking the plank Through the development of these pirates, they took on a life of their own. Originally meant as mercenaries that would augiient | any army, the Pirates became an army in and unto chemseles, In Building ehem out and balancing this force, we quickly found thac We had fir too much material o go into our normal expansion format that cover allfctons and 0 what you have hela he frst of che Forces of WARMACHINE' expansions new format in which we explore specif, feeused and theied arti indepth. While we will continue to produce regula, expansions, we wll periodically turn out Fores books inthe Yas future chat will unearth some of the more specialized armies: = ‘of the Iron Kingdoms and bring them in blazing glory to the is Until ehen, ke be pirates Now Phinder Like You'e Got A Pale! Buccaneer Freeboorer Sea Dog Crewmen 36 Sei Dog Deck Gun Crew... ese Sea Dog Rifleman... . , 39 ‘Mr. Walls, che Quartermaster e40) “VATE, Privateer Press, Inc, 13434 NE 16t Tel (425) 683.5900 « Fax (425) 613-5002 Commodore Cannon & Crew « Lady Aiyana & Master Holt Bloody Bradigan Bosun Grogspar First Mate Hawk Doc Killingsworth , Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile Dirty Meg Loni Rockbortom MOoveL GALLERY . . PRIVATEER Tactics &StRATEGY . . .66 THE TALION CHARTER. ...... Visit: St.Suite 120+ Bellevue, WA 98005 For online customer service, email This bok print uncer be opyriht ws a th United Sta of Amen, WARMIACHINEH, HORDES formule Fall Mlb 108. Copies or persnal vse must maintain all Fist pring: cab 207, Pine i Cin. ‘PRESS., Forces of WARMACHINE: Pirates ofthe Broken Coast * Forces of WARMACHINE: Pirates ofthe Broken Coast Hardcover. 1SBN:978-1-993%62.250 ples, Hangs and nee aera ly coiidenat No pra as pbloton maybe repodores eat rats scons mechani phony meng imu, robes ota nad bee Dore santos Tincan Ci. eae! Doss igo tout ong ced PIP 1013 Pap i014 ISBN: 978-1.953362-2 Acr I Wher pra and pra copin ear fe ppry Sor prof and ore The sleck, predatory vessel Talo exchanged cannon fire with, its prey before siding alongside. Grapples arced between the ships, and the two hulls cinched tight with a grinding protest of wood and metal. The battle-ready ceew filled the air with yells and pistol fire as men leapt across, cutlasses in hand, to ‘cut down any defenders Captain Phinneus Shae strode to the Taliow's rls to find, with satisfaction, the intial boarding of the Merearian League vessel Laing Promise well underway. Shae drew his pistol and rook a bead on a League gunner crouched bchind the railing on the poop deck. A squeeze of the tigger sent the man tumbling and his rifle clatering to the lower deck, Shae holstered his pistol and drew his mechanikal saber Squall First Mate Hawk appeared at his side, blades ready, and they shared a look thae did not require words. They grabbed ropes and soared across to the deck of the enemy vessel. A shout ‘wenr up from the Talln’s crew as che pair wade in, Hawk Janded three quick chrusts for every one of Shae's powerful cuts. Shae signaled back to the Talon, A crewman operating itserane swung out a dangling Mariner warjack on a creaking ‘able and dropped it co the deck of the Lastay Promise. It landed dlftly despite is size, crushing deck boards under its fet, Shae touched its cortex and mentally urged the jack into the thickest, knot of the defenders. Its anchor swept in an are and shattered Merearian League marines like dolls, The advancing ‘jack and wascaster drained the will to fight From the rest of the defenders. Many threw down their arms and Immediately surzendeved. few officers made a fighting retreat, toward the aft decks, but Shae knew it was over, He and Hawk, advanced toward the last holdouts, gran ser between pirate and privatect A hazy distinction exists ar teen Immorco. A aumber of wanted pit fs ‘and some produce convincingly que. Equally common, authorized le ima little Tucrative piracy and by selling their stolen © themselves privater: forged letters of mare privateers often dabbl try to disguise these misdeeds booty on the black markets. The distinction between labels carries significant Tegal repercussions. A legitimate privetesr_captie ears a letter of marque, also known as ¢ “reprisal tnd privateeing commision" that authorize him 19 duct acts of aggression against vessels of hostile ALOR ST Ye After years of capturing Mercarian League vessels, the Talon crew had developed a rather involved but quite effective routine for taking what they most needed from their prisoners information. They invariably started with the captain and rarely had to proceed further. They could not predict what a given ‘captain might know, bue usually they could fine something useful, such as reports of other League ships carrying lucrative ‘cargo, recent sightings of Cygnaran Navy vessels, or the location of hice stashes ‘This drama required the erew to bring the surrendered captain. ation, and then Shae ogspar would express his delight at the sudden opportunity to indulge his appetite for torture. When the captain started to sweat at the thought of what Grogspar might do, Quartermaster Walls would bay into the cabin, The quartermaster would try and fail to keep the trlfkin in check, and then he woul plead with the captive to cooperate for his own good, The routine lacked subtlety, but invariably the browbeaten captain would give up whatever information he thought mighe keep him alive. to Shae and Bosun Grogspar for inter left to deal with a fabricated dispute, G ‘On this particular occasion, while Grogspar and Walls played their parts, Captain Shae stood in the corridor debating with the expedition financier a peg-legged divarf named ‘Lord’ Jol Rockbottom, “This leaky tub has to be worth someting” Rockbottom shook his head. “The closest port where we could sell itis too far, Just seize the cargo and leave ‘em. Navy patrol might come through any time.” Sea dogs hurried around chem, looking for an ‘hing remotely valuable enough to pry loose, , or drag behind them. Aside from any treasure PRIVATEER OR PIRATE? srs, including seizure of ships and their : ny navies can expect as prisoners of war eather than immediate aa ting with authorities forcign pow cargos, Privateers captured by ene treatment hanging a pirates, When interac of Khador, Ord, or Gygnat privates Bae Se “odds of survival and greater opportunities to plead fo freedom, Such status means nothing in Cryx and the Protectorate of Menoth. ‘Ownership of a legitimate lettr of marque docs not e salty, depending on the political climate a ec fing hens cat Los vig t transition from one sovereign to another. hole vessels, Whenever possible, th a ship and cake it asa prize while setting the captain and and prepared a rebutal Grogspar emerg his cheoae. “Capi? ‘Shae glanced toward the cabin, “Is he singing already? ++ The trollkin packed his pipe philosophically, seuck itback wes. "He inhis mouth, and raised a flint-striker to light is thinks we picked him up fer a reason. Ain‘ yawling on about. Ye might want to give a listen.” Me slumped the Mercarian Leag hung rumpled and torn, and his posture conveyed defeat Rockbottomis peg leg made a staccato thythm on the Aoorboards, “Tell us what you know” he sad. The dat managed to convey men despite his ridiculous attire, His the open mouth of a scaled monstrosity, doubeless helped: bout Fort Lamis. We juse stopped there for s ‘command, His wispy beard trembled pit Rockbottom looked at Shae. “Liver heard of Fort Lamis? sileatly shook his head Rockbottom lift shoulder. “This is Fire Breather’, Ignites anything it touches Ted take your arm clean off and burn the stump to a husk, his weapon and set it against the man's yank toasting 190 long? The smell is, © Rockbottom glanced around, found a crumpled chart among Ihands,"Whereabouts would we fd eis lie Fores.” SPP & Sa ~Greb Killingsworth, ship's sturgeon and cook, served “meat stew” thar evening for supper. Over the meal, che Talion's "captain argued. sign of his mood. “Want to besiege Highgate nest His sarcasm was heavy. “When we signed our charter, we agreed that one of th ion cxew would eapeure oflices adrift in the nearest launch, Shac frowned at the dwar? from the eabin and interrupted by clearing oc a clic what he's Intrigued, Shae and Rockboetom followed Grogspar and found Is waiting with his agitared monkey Seubs perched on his shoulder. Surrounded by the splinters of broken furnishings aptain. His once fine uniform spormous sidearm, 2 weapon ornamented so is bore resent “swear!” He was clearly a young captain probably with his fest "saving us the trouble of watching you bleed out, Ever left a pig Stop, stop! Idont know anything Ie supply forstess, one of Ty Uhave no ides why 0 many ships and solders are there! the detritus on the for and jammed it into the captive captain's | officers watched uncomfortably as Lord Rockbortom and the “You want us to pillage a foresess?” Shae had hardly touched his Bie isensicy ofRockbottom’s words belied his apparent clea things favored Pirate Targ ‘Thess of commercit ets, Cremas Ord, Berek Imports (controled by Mercatian Leagugfl ies nd rarer frm Zawis aes wae che pe rams tom Cleon hrna antec House Mate {ou dtc, sit Blaustay, au Shipping. Fine woods, oxuries 1% Shipping & Rail Pei mained parts that bound us was vengeance against the Mercarian League Hlaye we gotten too comfortable? Have we lost sight of out goals?" He spent some time trying ta slice a tenacious piece of gristly meat in his stew. What does chat have to do'With anything?” 1e does not expend political influence or wealth ly fortress is well guarded, whatever they have must be valuable, Therefor punctuated his words by impaling an indeterminate vegetable fe should be important to us.” He swith his fork ‘Wee in the middle ofa job” Shae countersd, “We've already jeopardized our deadline. We cant afford another delay or we wonit get paid. You were the one harping on about our money woes” “IFT might be forgiven fer buttin’ in. [come down on the side ©’ caution,” Mr. Walls ventured, The one-eyed quartermaster was Far more deme in conversation than in boarding actions His monkey sat on the table ditectly next ro his plate eating a portion of his meal. Atempts co evict the snimal from the captain’ table had long ago proven futile, “We be light on crew. Could usea few more hands afore sticking the ones we got in the lion's mouth, so ¢speak.” Rockbostom's face Rushed red. “Fewer hands mean less dividing the spoils, Look here, 'm nor speaking purely ftom a thirst for revenge. Ifthe League is guarcing something that well, we can be damned sure i’ a lucrative haul! Could be a bullion ran, The League took charge of the Bullion Exchange when Leryn fell ro Khador. Might be the tresstiry of Ord in that forsress, Treasury of Ord potatoes and a bucket of fish Grogspar snorted. "What's that, fifteen “Ora payroll shipment.” Rockbottom continued, pointedly ignoring the erollkin, “Why not check ft out? Ifthe risk looks © bad, we'll leave Hawk spoke for the first time, “Ist chat the region that Broadsides Bart is roam maneuver he would tr co pull off" Cleatly she ineended to dwarf; but Rockbortom’s eyes gleamed as he looked at Shae. The two warcasters' rivalry often prompted foolish bravado, This is just the sort of idiotic Shae took a sizable swallow from his wine and mulled things cover before speaking. "It wouldn't hue to investigate.” He avoided Hawk's smoldering glare. SL & Ce There was no other ship like the Calman Captain Bartolo ‘Montader had comenissioned i in Berck, Ond's famed port city, and rebuilt co his exact specifications from the Frame of 2 massive retied naval glleon a the ulsimate floating arsenal Berck’s shipwrights had al balled om secing the plans. Every one insisted that such a monstronity would ever float alone move under is own power, bue Montador had fond and bribed thebestof them enough to make i work eventually Maleiple steam e jncs, each large enough to power a colossal, drove three paddlewheels combined with four masts thick with sails. When given time to build up momentum, the Calinias achieved impressive speeds ander full steam and sai, The ship ‘Sos ad dsrmcin orang Wolfe asam bon ttf atone te eptve gla ane, 4st than 150, Opell owensfiocnpimctprefef hs doa q Baron Ethan Strke is Aleman he Mera La Altogether the Calamita boasted move firepower than any privateer or pirate necded. Its size dil have drawbacks however, and they were largely compensated for by ite two smaller and more versatile escorcs che steat-brig Ill Fortune and the much smaller but nisnbe schooner Sit Unfortunately this day a the Culanitas bore down on its chosen prize, boch of those vessels were away on errands clsewhere “The stout warcaster captain seood near the wheel, spyglass| in hand, appraising the situation while consulting wit ‘Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile. The ship's pilot Lapo Deke Wairon Guely of Soutpoine Hse he Crim Roy sean "ALION CHAIN OF COMMAND: Captain Phinneus Shae - owner and commander First Mate Hawk ~ ship's master 6 muster atarms Lord Joln Rockbottom! - expedition financier, paymaster, ship co-owner Bosvn Balasar Grogspar - sailing master, second imate, ship repairs ‘Master Gunner Rafaldo ‘One-ear’ Scoriani - cannon master, third mate Quartermaster Walls - senior quartermaster Chief Engineer Quinn Gorcorian - maintains steam engines, repairs “jacks Qiartermaster Mates Higgens and Larvado assistants to the quartermaster ‘Acm’s Mate Milo Tolbert ~ assistant to the master Bosun's Mate Argun Grath ~ assistant to the bosun Engincer’s Mate Evlin Corcorian ~ assistant to the chi engineer Creb ‘Doc’ Killingsworth ~ ship surgeon, chief cook, steward Gunner's Mate Wain ~ assistant to the master ‘gunner 1 Rockbottom's status is unofficial, but the crew defer to is commands when they do not cooteadct First Mate Hawk ‘of precisely packing powder charges and calculating "cannon volleys. His predictions rarely went wrong “The powerful Blase of ewo ofthe large Forward guns blew ack seo th pow Most aid isos and counted down the seconds wntil impact. Both shor cador sw a dramatic explosion of wooden planks. W moments the vessel listed, foundered, and sunk beneath the ‘waves with all hands and cargo. ’ wicked tats!” Montador barely stopped himself ling the expensive spyplas onto the deck. He saw Dougal Smitking sardonieally nd growled, “Nota word from yout” ‘Tite Berrer Part or VALOR An hour after this debacle, the erow’s nest spotted the Hl Fortune ; and Silas. The crew erupced into a fit of activity swabbing the decks, polishing the beass, and making the ship as presentable 28 possible. No one questioned this familiar -adicion: the ship always looked its best when the mistress of the Ill Fortune came bosun’s lash. aboard, oF swabs would feel Moncaclor waited a¢ the quarterdeck near his quarters as the IIL Fortune's launch came alongside and its passengers boarded. An uncomfortable formality always prevailed when the woman known as Fions the Black steppes! aboard the langer vessel, The « behavior. G c a rowdy assortment of pressed sailors and cast-off whole crew went quiet and adopted their they w misfits, this primarily meant less spitting at the deck boards and fewer wolf-whistles Fiona soaked in the attention as an expected homage. Her wareaster armor, cleverly engineered to protect every inch ‘of her body without restricting her graceful movements, ‘only accentuated her shapely form as she stepped on deck. Hier cloak, black with sumpeuous purple accents, caughe the wind and swept oue behind her, Ternion Brands, the three downward barbed arrows symbolizing the Dark Goddess Thamat; embellished her atte. Fions had pulled her red hair back in a lengthy braid, which loaned an austere east to her ing featuees, One hand held the haft of het . mechanikal weapon Viper like a walking stick. Irs sharpened otherwise 3 triple tines sometimes twitched spasmodically as i they were alive and hungry to bite flesh, Fionas presence dominated the deck, and the Cslamitas seemed like her ship for thae moment. Her retinue went almost unnoticed but incladed the Il Forties thineassaerake captain Cal santoni and a particularly hulking Khadoran bosun named Dragash Garanovich, Recognized throughout Montador's small fleet as Fiona's bodyguard, he glowered murderously at crewmen on either side of theie walkway, dating them co act out of line Montadlr gave her a roguish smile and ram his fingers through his beard a8 she approached, not bothering to hide his adm g2ze as it traveled from her boots to her face. “Fiona, a pleasure as always, What news from shore? ‘She smirked more chan smiled. Glancing about hee with typical } conspiratorial suspicion, Fiona nodded to Mentador's cabin door Inside.” TThe entourage moved to follow but Montador interposed. He give them an icy stare and put his mechanikal hand against Dragash’s chest. The Khadoran growled but looked down at the mouth of the telescoping cannon set within the metal palm and took a step back. Montador’s voice remained polite and even warm, "You lads wait bere." ) He clésed the door behind them and turned to face the woman. ‘She asked him. “Afraid they'll muedee you in your own cabin?” Moncador chuckled and spread his hands, one living and one ‘mechanikal. “Any time I get alone with ye is to0 pitecions to let chaperones rt it, Tell me what happened. “Nothing untoward.” Hee eyes fashed mischievously, “My ‘tumor-mongers have been busy: Something special is happening at the Lamis supply fortress just north of hes Mercarian Leazs Something the wl the Cygnaran Navy don'¢ want anyone to know about He frowned. “But we're going south.” She answered with a true smile, “Not for long. Trust me, we ‘wantin on this. Fe ram his fingers through his beard again. “Val just as soon not tangle with the Cygnaran Navy. Them boys at Higl watching fer me. They think Iwas involved in sinking the Land Proton Hie said the last in a vaguely offended tone despite the fact that he had indeed sank that patrolling vessel two: months eather “Very well” She turned and made for the door ut stopped with he fingers on the handle. “My source says Captain Phinnews Shae learned of this carget several days ago, Ie will be a dificult emptation for him to ess, Erik” The large privateer raised an eyebrow: “Really?” He laughed and. shook his hea. That man be a born seapegoat. Fine, les see if ‘we can find the Talon, FD ee Sat With its lanterns doused. the crew scolded to keep to whispers, and relying solely on the wind, the Talin ran neatly invisible at night, particularly close to shore. Their cautious approach proved fortuitous as they drifted closer, “Look at ‘em. Grogspar mumbled in what passed for a tollkin whisper.” aint good. Rockbottom borrowed the hosun's spyglass and peered out. The ‘overcast sky and darkness made it difficule co discern d Fortunately, the Cygnaran Navy ships had their lanterns lit likely 20 avoid collisions. He counted no fewer than five vessels ails anchored near the opening to the inlet, two of them most certainly second-class fighting ships. The others looked small dangerous, and predatory. They did not sit quite as low on the water as the Talion, but they boasted similar firepower and the capacity to carry large crews, “Those two on the farright might not be navy ships, hard to tell. Could be League brigs.” Ir was as much optimism as the dart could manage, Beyond the ships the sheer face of the cliffs extended into the sky on eicher side of the narrow opening, suggesting that they would find no landward approach, "yi Grogspar plared at the Rhulic financier and bit harder on the, scem of his unlie pipe, He turned to a sailor standing nearby. 5o wake the cap'n, The swab sent back wa relatively new recruit named Fil, but he crew called him Frogfooe fr his limp, Ashe approached the capa cabin one of his pets cleared Mishra lly 61 catch Fnly cation, He sam the man shaking his ead ad making several croplatic but nonopc sible gestures. Finly slecided to ignore them. "I gor my onders, Before he could knack on the door it suxktenly opened. Finly smapped to attention but then lost all composure when hesaw | Hark step ou of che cabin adjusting her blouse, His ees pened wide enough ro roll ost of his head, All the eoloe in the frst mate's face drained away, and her eyes narrowed with suxklen rage. Finly hegan to stamoner ashe saw her reach for | her waist, but her groping hand found only ait. "Umatthes Grogspar asked fer the cap'n, sit! Shi leveled a finger at his nose If you speak ofthis, or fT see you when I come back out, I'l gut you.” She returned ro the cabin, and Finly had a sudden vision of her paired cutlasses, Praying to every divinity he could remember, rogfoot led Quickly a his limp allowed : — ST Sey woes q Captain Shae inspected the situation, frowned, and relectantly to turn about and pur some distance between the bled © actical options Both Hank and Walls looked smug but knew better than to rub it in, Shae did nor orsler them to resume their previous circumspect course around the Mercarian Hook and on to locker’ Cove, however, Rockbottom and Shae disappeared into the eaptain’s cabin to deliberate, and Hawk paced the deck disciplining any sea dogs she spotted loafing around. The severity and creativity of her punishments impressed even Bosun Grogspar. Tallon and the cove before dawn revealed them, Fle mu something about wanting to consider his A sudden shout came from the crow’s nest, “Sails approaching, hoyt Dead « port, sails approaching! Shae and Rockbottom rushed out as sailors moved quickly to prepare the ship for maneuvers. Not wanting to betray their position with a plame of smo engines. Shae's question, “Navy?” passed up to she nest ‘Skull on crossed gun: ame the cheerful reply after long. rminutes, “Ids the Calaatas!™ ‘ Hawk and Shae share look ou shoul tlk o hin” Ha suaeced ns woe emgh oe ce woul ae “Th could work to our advantage.” (Armored) 7. Secondary Paddle Wheel (Starbourd6 Port) 5. Launches CALAMITAS (REESE {o Her Prow Coons S-Gun 11. "Death's Shoat” | Shae seowled. “He might just he here to claim the bounty on ‘my head” “e's had opportunities for that before. Just enaute he's more motivated to keep you alive. He made a dismissive gesture. “We don’ need him “Don't be an ass. The firepower he brings might be just what we need, If your pride is worth killing yourself over, maybe Im ‘on the wrong ship.” S nd the way she folded her a ig her grim expression ns stopped his retort Soon the vessels drew close enough far shouted salutations The Calanitas loomed over the Talion as if prepared to swallow the smaller vessel. The fll Forme, closer to the Talin’s sale approached on theit port side while the Sulte sailed behind. The crews endured considerable posturing as each eaptain offered the others hospitality that none of them seemed willing to accept. Shae eventually proved the most stubborn, FFor added spite, Shar had turned the imposing Commodore oyal-weight exnnon toward the opening in the rails, which sade its yawning mouth the fist thing the visitors saw as they came aboard. The skeleton of the man who had given the cannon its name, attited in a moldy, scorched, and torn ‘Mereatian League uniform, dangled below the bore. No one ‘manned the cannon, s0 it posed no threat, but a number of the guests did flinch ae the sight to the petty amusement of both Shae and Grogspae. Fiona the Black stepped aboard first. She appeared quite comfortable and ran her hands slong a rail admiring the carved skulls decorating its surface, She approached Shae with a warm smile and touched his arm in a familiar fashion, “Captain Phinneus Shae. Always a pleasure ro see you, It has been too long.” She pointedly ignored Hawk silently glaring (om a few feet away. They ignored the Lil Fortune’ actual captain Calvar Santoni and the commander of the Stig Master Blake Donovan, a quietly competent but unremarkable officer Bartolo ‘Broadsides Bart’ Montador and his entourage boarded last. "Here comes the admiral” Shae noted sarcastically as they watched the oversized launch, actually a single-masted boat nearly forty feet long adorned with polished brass flying Montador’s colors, approach. The bearded Tordoran stepped ‘on the deck, pot his hands on his hips, and looked around as if his surroundings greatly displeased him, Megan ‘Dirty Meg’ Melroane immediately upstaged him. She boarced after Barts Chief Mate, (1 Stony’ Bowan and Master (Gunner MacNaile, but elbowed her way in front. "Wall, rts on a monkey! Haven't scen you for ina long while.” She hooked a chumb toward Montador. "He tried to keep me from tagging slong, but I'd have none of t.” As asual grease and grime covered her skin and clothes in contrast to he othets who had, taken pains to dress, The Tallon officers enthusiastically greeted Meg firs, which made Montador bristle, Meg was a popular visitor to Berrostoe, the island own and vemggle Seu ihiltad pore trmbabi py aa Gitano oa Montador’s deep voice cur them short, “Thamat's ceeth, peoplet Can we gee to the business at hand>" The lot of them moved to Shac's dining room, ignoring Mondo poke fet afer tey were seated. "We all now why wete here so kes cor through che sual nonsense, We all want the same prizes My Montadors quips about it being “a tiny closet there’s enough for everyone.” Shae glared a¢ Montador, “We got here fist. Aad wed ig at found win” Monaco: aa raised a hand ro forestall an angry hut. "Nor hat Tame 7 Fe Aeciig what'ye faced late tough tine \ ‘We had a plan.” Rockbottom protested feeb. “A plan aided by adding thre yeses, including one with enough cannons to break che walls of Caspia,” Montador suggested, “Consider how many batle-ead lads we have altogether. I cane fmagine you can hold many jacks inthis lice boat.” Shae cleared his throat. “Three Mariners, a Freebooter, and one Buccaneer. Two, if we could get the other one running.” He gave Dirty Meg a wink, ‘Not bad,” Montador allowed in a condescending tone ‘Considering what we're facing, we're hetter off working together. Fiona and I could hav ‘our way through, but we deciced to inchude ye, given out old friendships.” made for the line and broken Hawk spoke with a voice thick with derision. “You know damned well that cove js oo shallow for any’ of your ships t land excepr che Sulzts, You'd have to offload men in somboats, which the fortress would blast cut of the water before you reached the pier. You need the Talon.” “Tipe bluesng wacaner chucked nd wayged a finer hong admin. Walla al id Weel Fort lig and yesest eg beck reco Rockbottom squinted at their visitor. “Imm surprised you'd tarnish your sterling reputation tangling with the Cygnaran Navy: You're talking about shooring up five of chet ships "Are we pirates or simpering dangles?” Montador laughed, “Large profits require spilling blood. This isthe life we lead.” ‘You speak rather frely of being a pirate for a man who hides behind letter of marque” This remark fnally gor wader the larger man’s skin, and he bristled at Shae. overeag over os Cearer othe dere SUB et htt tp eecAbing Dede ma # Cs He ef fied ty ot ae be "ae cllecs Calantan wong arly enor sigs a antherging pts atl Mortador - S rab spe nyse i zat Fe Pr Khicens bse any wee gi 07 half woes EO oleae Beh oar, which i Seewed a Ci or terinent trea ta the dae. Goptain mc well an}zrsgeny Oi Baden: Co cS ATT ed th teapecve neg alle rent acento owe ct ed, and be rig pe eave win mr pe | Fiona had silently watched but chose this moment to speak. "Enough. We know we must cooperate, Le and get to the plan” ‘The haggling came down to Rockbottom and M dlebacing like fishmongers, The others remained silent stared actoss the length of table at one another, Shae noticed ™ Fiona’s gaze lingering upon him with an inviting smile, and he shifted uncomforeably. Ar her se, Captain Santoni’s face urned bright red as he artempred to conceal his jealous outrage ae pretended interest in Rockbottom’s wheedling and avoided “catching Hawk's eye I io acuk proved ead vi Bet linedoptene-Thy would neh Sa - given Once they committed, the Calzmter the cove. The heavy ship would bre raecessary: The smaller vessel, loaded with as many sea dogs and warjacks as it could hold, would make for a landing and slip "through the fortress defenders. They would seize whatever they ‘could ancl escape. Communications between the ships relied ‘on signals passably familiar to each of them from coordinaced “actions in the past. * She added, "You'll want me here. A litle alee pport during the landing could make al the difference.” “and Captain Montador shared a look. The burly privateer de bly. be had Germee The agar it pleses the ab tha be zrcrating coneiston fo eofioue tore Kangt Oo en water wy Jo ad the eat Od an Hp city of Five Figs Bio wL King Bard Giher Th ; Sas FO Act Il Wherein am outpost ies wnuvited gece away from the cove Think schedule? M1 Fortune could have gotten there ahead of Shae asked, ‘Not a chance, not with chis wind.” Grogspar opined, and the ‘wo women agreed, le was still early dawn, They had made their approach keeping as close to the sheer cliffs of Cygnar's imposing Wyrmwall Mountains as possible Ar this angle, the ciffs loomed like a wall of towering stone fangs and made ie abviows how they had, gotten theit name, The dawn's light spread shadows from the cliffs out onto the water large enough to hide even the bulk of the Calamitas. The other two ships had taken a wider course to approach from a differene angle “Where in blazes are they going?” Shae’s tone was suspicious ‘What docs it matter? This is our chancel” Fiona’s voice carried a throaty undertone suggesting she derived a disturbing degree ‘of pleasure from violence. Bulelight ~o. or adj, Any greenish light, considered to be associated with ghost ships, an ill omen. Bilge - a, Lowest part of «ship within the hull: also teem for water collecting there Broadside - 0. or adj or adv. Lengthiest portion of ¢ Ship: also refers tothe simoltancous firing of all of = ship's eannons on one side, Crow's nest ~ n. Small platform, sometimes enclosed, near the top of a mast, used by 2 lookout. Deckjack capable of maneuvering on a ship's deck at sea withoot endangering itself or others. Draft ~ n, The depth of a vessel’ Keel below the ‘water Tine, especially when loaded: the minimum water informal, Term for any steamjack depth necessary to float a ship, Fathom ~ a. Unit of length equal to six fect, used in the measurement of marine depths. Fall sail, full stoke ~ int. Command given on ships ‘vith both sails and steam engines to gin maximum speed and power from both wind and coal. Commonly wed only ducing ship-to-ship battle as this status is inefficient for long-range travel Grog ~ a. Alcoholic drink comprised of rum dituted swith water Hardtack ~ 0, A hard biscuit or bread made from flour and water baked into a rock to prevent spoilage. Needs to be broken and soaked in water before eating Dirge flag ~ a. Fags of various designs, generally fearsome, used by pirates or privateers to encourage + ship to surrender rather than fight Keel - 0, The underside of a ship, often covered by barnacls after extended sailing, which slows the vessel Keslhaul - «: To punish someone by dragging them ander a ship, across the Keel, and therefore across the parnacles gathered there, Often fata. Lubber ~ a. Short for tnfamitiar with the sea or seamanship. andlubber”, a person Lee =a, or adj. The side away from the direction from which the wind blows. No prey, no pay ~ prs, Common pirate and privateer policy whereby the crew receives no regular wages but rather shares of any loot seized. Port ~ n, or adj. Left side of the ship when facing the prow: sometimes also called “Larbosrd” Rigging ~ . System of ropes, chain, and tackle wed to support and coatrol the masts, sails, and yards of 2 sailing vessel Rope's end ~ prs. Another term fo flogging, wsed as a disciplinary measur often enforced by the bosun Rotters ~ a, Detailed navigation instructions listing everything known about a place or sailing route Scurvy ~ a, Disease caused by a dietary deficiency prevented by consumption of limes, lemons, o similar fut. Prompts sluggishness and can lead to loss of teeth and open sores. Scuttle ~ v, To sink a vessel by means of a hole in the ship's hull ea legs - a. The ability to adjust one's balance to the motion of a ship, particularly in rough seas Spin at point ~ phrs. Mancuver utilized by steam ships in which paddlewheels on citer side of the ship spin in opposite dccetions allowing for faster turas cor turning when dead in the water. Starboard ~ a. or adj. Right side ofthe ship when facing the prov. Steamo ~ n. informal. Anyone who works on steam engines. Strike colors ~ ¥. To lower a ship's flag as «signal of surrender. Swab - y, of a. To clean the decks of « ship: disrespectful term for junior seaman, They heard a rumbling so powerful they could feel ir a5 a tangible pressure. The gigantic pistons driving the Calon paddlewhcels chumped, audible even from this distance, and great plumes of smoke rose from tremendous stacks asthe ship ‘ame to fall steam. Its rear paddlewheel dug inco the ocean and the ship itself visibly rose up on to the lower hull. These pontoons enabled the Cslamiae to achieve good speed by lifting the ship higher in the water than otherwise possible for its tonnage, The Talon quickly unt paddlewheels to life. Captain Shae seemed the only one suspicious of the way the navy ships had sailed away, "Seems a wide pontoons attached od its own sails and cranked is bit hacky,” he noved 10 Grogspar Fiona interjected. “Thamar isa lucky goddess, and I have her favor.” She grinned smugly, clearly enjoying his distaste for the topic, “Thamar can keep her luck. I hear ie comes at a steep price SSL i Sona the Talon moved toward the two remaining Cygoara sels, the offcers spotted the Il Forme and Sts approaching oxding to their original plan. The vessels guanding the enttance to the cove prouuly New two fags. One represented the Cypnaran Mec stationed a¢ High the triple anchors and waves ofthe are, and the other bore ied Army. One ship, ‘a mid-sized ewo-masted steam brig with a stout hull and hreavily stacked gun decks, proved slow to realize its peril Its sails unfurled and ics wheels cranked into motion to line up a broadside just as the Calintes and the accelerating Tali moved cut ofthe cliffs shadows to enga * Tike a small and nimble sloop-of-war that carried too Few ee teach ofa tacear Its companion vessel looked Bee WM onde grinned with hungry entusism ashe Sich the naval ip trying to cach As wind and bellowed rts is ere, He fle he ehrum ofthe wind above him sof his ships eogacschrough che als of his Oe erecta exc eal aad carnccsore lbw upper deck and stationed them at strategic pois loog the fe Ge Metedersacte outwith his mind and diner Be faa tthe smaller vessel and prepared occ chee Bievih his will Meanehle Dougal MacNile sent the onder BP Apeshiesesin guns fora brosdste The snl ship ee cesid noc afford @ here iecacape and Bee man tstocies Bae plage though the towering wave like 2 Po Monrador fle the bard lse El his wins roe, considered aking crerything ora the Bea Bg ed im re ta theczpoxion “shattered timber under th Ridectahe angle of approach wrong. “Hard 0 starboard! Pate tre!” He gested to his fcr wth his weighty prow of his ship. Ukimately cutlass Red Tide, and they conveyed the required instructions fo the decks below ‘The navy ship managed to align itself; and is cannons fired with flashes of orange and red, The sound of their small thander quickly reached the cats of those aboard the Calanuti. Sea dogs closest to the railing cook cover as several shots splintered through che rails and others impacted below with the crunch of timber. Sereams erupted on deck from men lacerated by splintered debris, Despite a few casualties most of the hastily fired volley had no effect. The weight of theie guns could not penetrate the stout hull Moncador laughed, raised his sword, and roared the command, A few seconds thereafter he felr in his bones a sound like the gods tating off the roof ofthe sky to bellow into the world, “Fire! A thvum of concussive power shook the bull and the ai split with a deafening roar. The port sce of the ship lifted with the broadside’ force, and the ship swayed to stasboatd even against the buoyaricy of the pontoons The naval vessel literally disintegrated as four thousand pounds of iron tore through its sails, masts, decks, and hall, obliterating everything, Its outline vanished in erupting geysers of spraying water, splintered wood, and collapsing sails that blazed with brief flickers of fie before the waves consumed them. Not even enough of che vessel remained to sink. There was just an unrecognizable assortment of blood- Frothed flotsam dispersing across the water: Montador rushed to the il and acne forthe second vn which expected had veered off to in perpendicular so the soley, Monador urged the Mariners rang at che prow e9 diffeule sho a the outer edge oftheir ffetve ange, bo be poured energy ico the efor vogue the cannonball yet Force of wil Two plumes erupted wero the rg, bur one shied into the deck and the ast cu, sharing the ama Ships mainnase This bought time Fora rret ong found sa deliver che klling sho, leeing she Mezedivs sya the smal ship a se SO Sw Se A peat shou wor up aboard he Tl as the Cala obditrated ch Cypnaran ress, Many of the men cartel on deck had ome frm Montador' et and had mined uncomfortably with the sips ela rev: Tia fg had sre roped prompting Hav and Grogs efor Siseigline. The outsiders had heen fold ro sty ofthe way sa to stand armed and ready for landing, ur the deity of unmashed sailors on che Talon pur everyone on ds Cutting steckly through the morbid debris of « once proud Cygnaran Navy vessel, the Tallon sailed through the wide opening of the cove and stecred toward the fortress setback: from the small stretch of sandy beach opposce. The water in the center ofthe cove seemed reasonably deep, but it quickly Aateened to shallows near a short jetty extended vo receive smaller landing vessels The fortress itself stout but not particularly large, consisted primarily of a squat stone keep and two small fortified ‘outbuilelings connected by walkways. Soldietsroshed about fon the pier and upper battlements reacting to the sound of the Calan! broadside. Explosions from che forteess proved it had fs own cannons, and shots planged into the water near the approaching vessel, Shae’s Mariners stood vopside with cannons primed, as did crews manning Fire on the upper battlements!” Shae onde from exploding crenellations did not do mich damage but kept the fortress gun crews distracted. The Commodore scored the he Forward deck guns Sprays of rock and debris bese shot that washed an entie section ofthe upper battlements in flaming oil Iacart and Ales below rid silenced three cannons as their crews lost Rifle fire pinged on the decks and whizzed into che nearby waters, Gruncs of pain preceded sea dogs falling to the deck. ‘Shac’s own riflemen in the nests on the masts returned fire although the swaying of the vessel challenged their accuracy As expected, once blood began to flow, Shae spotted ‘Doc Killingsworth up and about. The Large man in his diety apron and bactered hat checked for injuries and put his knives to use digging bullets 0 injuries could fester, He often ha of the wounded before the to wrestle and pin down his unwilling patients. ‘Shae did his part vo interfere with the enemy by summoning 4 shifting phantasm of ghostly light and fog to play over the decks. The position ofthe ship itself became difficult to discern as shimmering shapes leape across the nearby w presented solid-seeming mitrots of the Talon while masking ies fue form behind hazy mitages. This bought time to slide neatly alongside the excended pier, Soldiers hunkered down behind res and Himprovised barrzades of spp fired a the approaching pirates. Anchors plunged into the water, and ssa dogs leap ro the quay to tie the ship close for the ‘tates and sacks of vegetables gangplanks. One of Shae's Buccaneer "jacks lashed ou with ies gaff co haul che ship againse the wood. Bullets ricocheted off its mecal fram tohelp secure the vessel, Sea dogs tossed planks across the gap, rushed down, and fred pistols to clear the way. buc they cid not slow se from cinching a rope ‘Shae drew his blade and pistol, He knew without Hawk stood just behind him. He could see Me. forefeont of his own men shouting angrily at th disordered crew borrowed from the Il Forte who had gone she without orders, Shae had intended to send several jacks forward 10 clear the way, bur che pier had clogged with men making a Bloody advance. He caught up with Fiona just behind the initial swase of attackers, "This wasnt hat [told you to dat” She looked back with mock surprise. “Captain Shae, everything, is im order. We've taken the pier. The fortress will fall just quickly” He growled. "My way would have saved few lives, but you don't care about that. She amghedcleely amas by Shae assedeen SPE 1 bnadfashe deceit de rece ab Han em oe strange power. On the opposite end of the pier a Cygnatan Navy marine suddenly tensed and turned to swing his broad-bladed ieee oun eens tees epee ee before he cull rpinter surprise. Fiom’ eye sparkled bright present eral csctalmee eee Gees bee ie lee ls cepewen The eee ineinbers of her personal escort chanted profane sabes in some incomprehensible rongue as they clustered protectively sri ot. Thay fads fevered shine tte ce tha Shae fel distinctly uneasy A cluster of ong gunners huddled down below a low stone’ outcropping just off the main path whore they picked off sea dogs with precise fixe. Suddenly as Fiona pointed at thems they. erupted into sercaming blazes of black and purple fire. As they burned, the dark fir seemed to pour up our of their eyes and stream from their to suffer past death, Shae shook his head and advanced, selesting targets for his pistol and trying to ignore the dying screams, He had seen Fiona’ ily inexhaustible manifestations of sorcery did nor surprise him. She had raw power to buen in action betore, 49 her se From a natatal deep wellspring of wnboly energy, and she had unleashing her arcane strength, Shae refused to be disteacted and focused on the no need for careful artifice wien ontification, He brought his Mariners up through the advancing men while bellowing for them to clear the way. A Cygnaran Sentinel warjack, commanded by a harvied offcer who bore the marks of a matine Kewtenant, guarded the door. Its chain gun spit bullets that chewed through the sea dogs foolish enough ro advance on. it, Others leapt to the side seeking cover. fh Shae gave Fiona a look and closed on the Sentinel, opening his hand as its chain gan swung in his direction, Primal energy surrounded inv as wind whipped across the pier and became fist ike knot of storm that exploded against the machine, sending it fying into the reinforced iron doors and topplingt® dhe growed A resanding feces cchced or tee ea con the fore of che ship, and the fallen warack exploded int) ounalem pce, Cannon fis tchood ashe adeancag Ee blew the doors apart The fortress was breached ee Seer ce ema | i eaitine et id not ak early Seog of fe he ret surendre Sha ha wo eth Bate sadn hi i iling an ath se se sl es lef an unpleasant tate He fle no particular gue er sad ta seme of ant Lili ygaran tency came rm ning oan sit Ci The dil mo epee $0 suerender had less appeal than heroic eth, Shae Pe barter pr i tin Tice te catch them along with h 1g with her grime Bosun Dragash G gash Garanovich, Phinnews? Anything that looked like a vault. Hawk stepped close vo Sha Roekbortom tried his best to keep up with chem, limping al nis peg eg, but they ignored hs shouts and quick a hin PiraTE RANKS AND SHARES ‘ange pirate ship expect period of time, the 4 ousting a crew sible importance due fo the Tine, No. _crew, and this post captain might afford his lunge share asa precaution forestall mutiny. very pirate and privater vessel runs differen’, = the eds of a tiny vessel erewed by 2 handful of men Aiffer dramatically from one : novgh to handle a first lass ship of tl jag hierarchy of ranks and postions apis fo <¥=") chp inthis profession. Duc othe haphuard nate of “reac erews certain positions have more loa than thet counterparts on aformal navy vessel. For example, on Rank Function ‘Gommander of the vessel and crew Captain Ship's Master Sailing master, runs the boat day-to-day Bosun Ropes, cables. anchors, sais, rigging, and 18 rowder, advises helmsman in battle Master Gunner Oversees all cannons and ps sat, controls armory (pistols. blades) Trains erew for combs Master atarms tum, other supplies. maintain watch, divi des spoils Stowige of food. 1 ‘Maintains hull, decks, masts Quartermaster Carpenter 1, oversees the helm Navigatior ‘Ship's Pilot s',includes mates of officers as wel 5 Other Officers Various [Regular able-bodied seasoned ers pecifie functions Sailors Swabs Inexperienced or maimed crew, delegated undesirable tasks abin boys/ Se ‘Youths working as servants running supplies, powder powder monkeys coe thas single share nce a ships reo 1 Other significant posts which ight ei ting to remain at sea artermaster takes on particular owing a large Thus. he difficulty of provs tas gecat impact on morale quartermaster a surprisingly to help guarantee loyalty and behind. Me, Walls had gone ahead with the 0% score eee ae the monkey ais shoulder wee also oo, ba little of it Looked to be their own aside from a rather na fer, cap'n” He pointed off down a side passage ~— Matarian Le dered more readily, F cd them breaking off immediately and rushed to 13/4 13/4 11/2 1122 11/4 1A 1/4 3/4 12

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