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Cracking The Code: Earn $20 A Day, Every Day, With Free Blogs

Really Simple Method:

Earn $20 A Day, Every Day,
With Free Blogs
A No-Frills, No-Filler Special Report Revealing The Secret
To Generating A Steady Flow Of Income On The Internet

Produced By The Rhodes Brothers

John S. Rhodes and Matthew W. Rhodes – Internet Marketing Made Simple

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Cracking The Code: Earn $20 A Day, Every Day, With Free Blogs

Congratulations! You have just downloaded a premium Rhodes
Brothers special report. This report is for YOUR PERSONAL USE
ONLY. Please don't distribute it!

Special Bonus: You’ll also receive our premium

newsletter updates once or twice per week. Don’t worry, no spam,
just high quality information.

This special report is meant to take your hand and guide you to a
source of income that will make you at least $20 a day, every day,
for as long as you put the work into it.

It requires only 1 to 2 hours of “start up” work, and then only 10 to

15 minutes of work everyday. It will probably take a month or two
to get up to $20 a day.

You can, of course, put more work into it and earn significantly
more - especially if you repeat these techniques over and over.
There are also many other business models you can use from our
premium membership, which you’ll get free access to. More details

Disclaimer: We don't know your work ethic or your abilities, so we

can't make any true income claims. $20 a day is only a rough
estimate. We are also not responsible for any losses you incur.

The premise behind this idea is that you're going to be using a

simple blog to generate some cash. You probably won't get rich off
of a single blog, but you will be able to create a small, steady
source of income by referring your visitors to other people's
products. As we said, repeat the methods we outline and you'll
make a big profit.

Becoming an affiliate reduces your workload (you don't have to

worry about all the bull that goes behind making the product – the

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Cracking The Code: Earn $20 A Day, Every Day, With Free Blogs

sales letter, credit card processing, and so on) and most of the time
the seller gives you the majority of the profits anyway, around 75%.

Step One – (Quick) Research

First things first, you'll need to start doing some research. You're
going to find a somewhat specific subject area that interests you (a
“niche”) - and one product that you can sell as an affiliate to match
your chosen niche.

To find a product, simply go to Marketplace and

browse the categories that best match your niche. Find a popular
product (one that is in the top 10 or 20 search results, usually) and
use the following criteria to judge whether it's worth your time:

● Is $/sale over $20?

● Is %/sale 75%?
● Is Grav over 30.0?
● Does the sales page look professional enough?
● Would you purchase the product yourself? (Important!)

If you answered “yes” to all of the above questions, then you've

probably got a great product – write it down in a list. The first 3
criteria are flexible – for example, if you got a product that only
gives you $15 per sale but is selling like wildfire (very high gravity –
250+) then that's absolutely fine. The last 2 have to be “yes”
though, otherwise it's not worthy.

By the way, if you want to promote products that have an

extremely high conversion rate and high payout per sale, consider
promoting Rhodes Brothers Premium Products. You can find out
more here:


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Cracking The Code: Earn $20 A Day, Every Day, With Free Blogs

Once you've got a good number of products, determine ONE that is

your favorite. One that you couldn't live without. Information that
you're dying to know or use. And a killer sales page.

Now, we highly recommend purchasing your number one product. If

you don't want to, you don't have to, of course. But knowing the
product you're promoting will boost your affiliate sales significantly.
You can refer to specific parts of the product which you've read,
and so on and so forth. And besides, it's something you're interested
in, right?

Now, sign up at Clickbank. It's free to sign up as an affiliate, as long

as you aren't selling your own products, and it should take just a
minute or so to do. Now, figure out the affiliate hoplink that you'll
use to promote the product. For more information, check out
Clickbank's Hoplink FAQ. It explains how to determine what link you
will be using to make sure you get credit for any sales to refer.

Step Two – Developing Your Blog

Next, we're going to start setting up your blog. Go to
and click on “create your blog”, the orange arrow on the right side
of the screen.

Create your user name. Choose your display name wisely, as this is
what will show when you make a post to your blog. Click continue.
Now, we get to the juicy stuff.

Blog Title: Think of a title that uses some basic keywords that
describe the product your promoting. For example, if we were
promoting the Rhodes Brothers Simple Traffic Generation Secrets
premium product, we would have something like “Generate Free
Traffic To Your Website.” This would do well because we include
“free traffic” and “to your website” in the title.

Blog Address: An ideal address would be, if that is taken, then simply be

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Cracking The Code: Earn $20 A Day, Every Day, With Free Blogs

creative! It is important that you use keywords in your title, but not

Template: Choose whatever you like here. All a matter of

preference. Going for a clean look is probably your best bet.

Now that you've created your blog, it's time to start posting. Dabble
around with Blogger's interface and get a feel for it.

Go ahead and make a post, and take a look at how your blog looks.
There are some things you will need to change on the page (for
example, links as the side that say “edit-me”) that are beyond the
scope of this eBook. You can probably figure out how to edit it
yourself – just look in the “template.”

Change the first link to link back to yourself, change the second link
to whatever product your promoting (with your affiliate link) and
delete the third one. If you want more help, look for a basic HTML
guide with Google.

Step Three – Getting Content/Traffic

This is probably the easiest, yet most important part in creating
your blog. Essentially, you have two options for getting content for
your blog:

1.) Create it yourself.

2.) Grab articles from article directories, such as EzineArticles.

Although using articles from article directories is appealing, the

major downside is that you're going to be dishing out a lot of
outbound links due to the author bio boxes – and those links will
distract from your main purpose, which is to refer sales and earn

But, getting traffic is the hardest part...

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Cracking The Code: Earn $20 A Day, Every Day, With Free Blogs

If you plan to write articles yourself, which is the best idea

(although it will require more time) then just look around the
article directories to gather ideas for topics to write about.

Once you've written the article, submit it to EzineArticles with an

author bio box that links back to your blog. Do this multiple times
and you'll generate a good share of traffic from these directories
and people who use your articles.

To get more traffic, post to forums related to your topic (to find
some, just type “[Your Topic] forums” into a search engine, you're
bound to find something) and include a link back to your blog in the
signature file. Post daily and you'll find yourself with a good share
of traffic, especially if you can establish yourself as an expert

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Cracking The Code: Earn $20 A Day, Every Day, With Free Blogs

Step Four – Making The Money

So, why $20 a day? Why can't we claim that you'll make more than
that? The answer is simple: $20 a day is extremely reasonable,
which would typically only require a referred sale every day or two.
This is not difficult if you are generating a hefty amount of traffic
to your website and talk constantly about how great your product is
and link to it often.

You can certainly make a great deal more than $20 a day, but
expanding much more is beyond the scope of this simple guide.
There, you're going to start to get into stuff like e-mail marketing,
autoresponders, finding additional products, squeeze pages and so
on. Just focus on this easy stuff for now, and if it works well for
you, start to focus on the more advanced aspects.

Some tips to maximize sales through your blog:

1.) In the middle of your articles, do a “sidebar” or “editor's note”

sort of thing where you talk about how great your referred product
is. If you can manage it, draw attention to the note by surrounding
it with a different color, like so:

Editor's Note:
If you're looking for exclusive information on how to generate
massive amounts of traffic to your website, I highly suggest you
check out The Rhodes Brother's Premium Traffic Generation Secrets
report. They receive 10,000+ page views a month to each of their
websites. Get your share of the traffic!

Now continue the article. As simple as that. This works great for my

2.) If you choose to write your own articles (again, good idea) then
write quality content, not just junk content. If you have good stuff,
people might actually link to you because you offer quality content.
Build a reputation for yourself and you'll reap even greater rewards

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Cracking The Code: Earn $20 A Day, Every Day, With Free Blogs

than you thought possible. If you're trying to go the “reputable”

route though, don't push your referred products too hard or it takes
away from the quality and reputation of your blog.

3.) Also be sure to bold important keywords throughout your posts –

for example, if you were promoting Traffic Generation Secrets,
you'd want to bold “free traffic generation” throughout your posts
to draw search engine and human attention to the words.

4.) We won't discuss it here because it would require a long tutorial

and we want you to get right to work, but you can add an
advertisement to the sidebar of your blog promoting your referred
product with a brief explanation of how great it is. If you can figure
out how to do this, your sales will likely increase 2 – 3% or more.

Closing Thoughts
Making $20 a day, everyday, isn't a daunting task. It will take a
little bit of time to get your blog set up, but ultimately you'll only
be spending a few minutes a day between posting and promoting it.
You can repeat this process over and over for as many blogs as you
want. Have 10 blogs? Then you could be making $200+ a day, and it
would probably only require an hour or two of work daily. Not too
shabby, and it's a great way to get some money to invest in future
ventures you might have.

If you ever get discouraged, just remember this:

$20/day x 365 days a year = $7,300 of extra income every year.

And that's for 15 minutes or so of work everyday. That's tough to
beat unless you're rich or a big wig marketer.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or whatever -

please don't hesitate to e-mail us at I
look forward to hearing from you!

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Cracking The Code: Earn $20 A Day, Every Day, With Free Blogs

© Copyright 2008 John S. Rhodes and Matthew W. Rhodes

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may not modify this document in any way, under any

DISCLAIMER/LEGAL NOTICES: This ebook is supplied for information purposes only

and, as experienced in this subject matter as the contributors are, the material herein
does not constitute professional advice. The information presented herein represents the
view of the contributors as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which
conditions change, the contributors reserve the right to alter and update their opinion
based on the new conditions. This ebook is designed to provide accurate and
authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the
understanding that the publisher and the contributors are not engaged in rendering
legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal advice or other professional
assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The
reader is advised to consult with an appropriately qualified professional before making
any business decision.

We do not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from the business
decisions made by purchasers of this book. Any perceived slights of specific people or
organizations are unintentional.

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