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REG NO: 20MIC0055


This speech was about the Britain colonization in India by SHASHI THAROOR.
The economic situation of the colonies was worsened by British colonization.
India's economy downs from 23% to 4%. India went from a world-famous exporter
into an importer. India literally paid for its own oppression. 4 million people died
due to starvation in Bengal because of Britain. Violence and Racism were the
reality of colonial experience. In WW1 54,000 Indians were died and 65,000 were
wounded and 4000 remained missing and in WW2 2.5 million Indians are in
uniform. The total value of everything that was taken out of India was 8 billion
pounds in today's money. Britian says that railways and roads are built as
compensation but many countries did that without colonization. The principle of
reparation for what is the wrongs that have done cannot be denied. The problems
they face were the direct result of colonial experience. Reparations is not a tool to
empower anybody, it is a tool to atone for the wrongs that have been done. The
ability to acknowledge your wrong that has been done, to simply say sorry will go
far far longer way than some percentage of GDP in the form of aid.

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